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Demoing SharePoint… how do you do it?

Ivory Tower (Redmond) to all earth bound SharePoint peeps.  I need some info on your l33t SharePoint skillz.

I am doing some research into how you, as SharePoint evangelists, demo SharePoint to others.  This could be as part of a sales pitch or just a regular Thu night demo to the SharePoint Users Group.  Anything really.

Some common methods include:

- Locally installed on my laptop (duel boot for example)

- In a Virtual Machine.  For this one i would like to know if you use a Microsoft Provided one or build your own.

- Remote Desktop into a machine somewhere back in your office?

- Use a SharePoint site you have on the net somewhere that you use to demo?

You can either reply with a comment here.  Or tweet/DM me here https://twitter.com/LoungeFlyZ

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