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Install the MIM 2016 Management Agent (MIM MA)


This document is intended to be used as an operational preparatory document for the Microsoft Identity Management 2016 base MIM MA installation.

Using this Guide:

You may perform search and replace on the variables listed below to create a detailed implementation guide customized for your environment.

Document Variables:


Search and Replace Variable

Primary Sync Server (Ex. Sync01)


Primary SQL Server (Ex. SQL01)

[SQL Server]

Common name of the MIM Service and Portal SQL Instance (ex. Service)


The database name of the FIM Service Database. (ex. FIMService)


Common name of the domain (ex. Contoso)


Common name of the URL / Virtual IP Address used to load balance the MIM Service and Portal Servers.  (Ex. MIMPortal)


Common name of the first MIM Service and Portal Server (ex. Portal01)


Common name of the second MIM Service and Portal Server (ex. Portal02)


Common name of the MIM Installation Service Account (ex. MIMInstall)


Common name of the MIM MA Service Account (ex. MIMMA)


Service Accounts:

The following service accounts are used in the installation and configuration of the MIM Service and Portal. Rights associated with each account are listed below:

Service Account Name




MIM Sync server account for FIM Service

For MIM Management Agent

Allow logon locally rights assignment


Account used for initial installation of the MIM Software.

Need local admin on Sync server and

SQL Admin Rights.

Option: Domain Admin to create Domain Groups

Configure the MIM MA:

From the Primary Synchronization Server [PRIMARY SYNC SERVER] Server

Logon as the Install Account [INSTALL ACCOUNT]

Launch the MIM Synchronization Service Manager

Select Management Agents tab

Under Actions, select Create

The Create Management Agent Window should display.

Create Management Agent:

Select Management Agent For: FIM Service Management Agent

Name: MIM_MA

Description: MIM Service Management Agent

Select Next

Update MV Schema:

Select Next

Connect to Database:



FIM Service base address:

If using a single MIM Portal server, enter https://[MIM SERVER 1]:5725

If using load balancing, enter the common name of the MIM Portal URL https://[MIM PORTAL URL]:5725

For Windows Integrated Authentication mode enter


Password: ***************

Domain: [DOMAIN]

Select Next

Select Object Types:

Check the following objects:

if synchronizing person and group objects to the portal check:






Select Next

Select Attributes:

Select Next

Configure Connector Filter:

Select Next

Configure Object Type Mappings:

Highlight Person

Select Add Mapping

Select person, OK

Select Next

Configure Attribute Flow:

Select Next

Configure Deprovisioning:

Select Next

Configure Extensions:

select Finish

Setup MIM MA Run Profiles: 

From the Synchronization Service Manager,

Select Management Agents

Select MIM_MA

Right Click MIM_MA

Select Configure Run Profiles

Full Import (FI)

Select New Profile

On the Profile Name Page, For Name enter FI

Select Next

On the Configure Step page, For Type select Full Import (Stage Only)

Select Next

Select Finish

Delta Import (DI)

Select New Profile

On the Profile Name Page, For Name enter DI

Select Next

On the Configure Step page, For Type select Delta Import (Stage Only)

Select Next

Select Finish

Full Sync (FS)

Select New Profile

On the Profile Name Page For Name enter FS

Select Next

On the Configure Step page For Type select Full Synchronization

Select Next

Select Finish

Delta Sync (DS)

Select New Profile

On the Profile Name Page For Name enter DS

Select Next

On the Configure Step page For Type select Delta Synchronization

Select Next

Select Finish

Export (EX)

Select New Profile

On the Profile Name Page For Name enter EX

Select Next

On the Configure Step page For Type select Export

Select Next

Select Finish

Select OK

Perform the First Import of the MIM MA

From the Synchronization Service Manager,

Select Management Agents

Select MIM_MA

Right Click MIM_MA

Select Run, Full Import, OK

The initial Full Import should generate 2 adds in the Synchronization Statistics Frame .

Filter the FIM Install Account and Built-in Synchronization Account

Double Click Adds

Double Click the First Entry 7fb2b853-24f0-4498-9534-4e10589723c4

Highlight theDistinguished Name value

Right click, select copy

Select Close, Close

Double Click MIM_MA

Select Configure Connector Filter

Select Person

Select New

For the Data Source Attribute value select <dn>

For the Operator value select Equals

For the Value paste the clipboard value 7fb2b853-24f0-4498-9534-4e10589723c4

Select Add Condition

Select OK, OK

Double Click Adds

Double Click the Second Entryfb89aefa-5ea1-47f1-8890-abe7797d6497

Highlight the Distinguished Name value

Right click, select copy

Select Close, Close

Double Click MIM_MA

Select Configure Connector Filter

Select Person

Select New

For the Data Source Attribute value select <dn>

For the Operator value select Equals

For the Value paste the clipboard value fb89aefa-5ea1-47f1-8890-abe7797d6497

Select Add Condition

Select OK, OK