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Dynamics AX Czech Support Team

How to change EDT and propagate this to AIF XML Schema (XSD).

Sometimes you have to change parameter of Extended data type which are also used by AIF. For example...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 12/30/2010

How to delete orphaned data remained from deleted company?

In AX 2009 it may happen that you delete a company but data related to this company remain in the...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 12/09/2010

AX application files, locked by another process.

We have seen issues where the AX application files gets locked by others then the AOS process. This...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 05/13/2010

Database log error on AX 2009 with SQL Server 2008

On a database that is upgraded from AX 4.0 to AX 2009 running on SQL 2008 you may get following...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 11/25/2009

How to move Demand Planner database to another server

Sometimes you need to move your existing Demand Planner database to another server. If you do this...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 10/15/2009

Conflict error when list of fields is used in select during update transaction

If you use this code, you will get an error on the line 29. The error message is following: Cannot...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 10/14/2009

Error while calling Win API function on x64

When you are calling Win API function (or function from a native DLL) on x64 you get this error: An...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 10/12/2009

Rename object in TFS

You can get this error message while renaming object that is checked out from TFS. Unable to import...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 09/10/2009

AX 2009 .NET Business Connector fails while creating instance of XmlDocument

RTM version (5.0.593.0) of .NET Business Connect fails with following exception while creating...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 09/09/2009

HOWTO: Print Word document from X++

You might need to print Word document directly from X++. Here’s a short sample how to do this:{ str...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 09/08/2009

Error ‘Invalid object name #ax_tmp_’

You may see similar error while posting ledger journal: Posting - Journal Journal: 000004_061...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 09/07/2009

Importing addresses with RecID compression enabled

Sometimes you need to import addresses into AX 2009 and enable RecID compression. This import might...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 09/04/2009

HOWTO: Dynamicaly load picture from base64 string into image on form in X++

You may want to load an image from base64 coded string. Then there is a code sample how to achieve...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 05/28/2009

Sending reports per e-mail from batch

I was facing an issue that no mails were arrived while sending invoices in PDF from a batch. Sending...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 05/22/2009

How to execute an external process from a batch

You might need to execute an external process in a batch and you’re thinking about using...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 04/23/2009

HOWTO: Open AX form from custom help file.

There is one interesing feature available in help file. You could link AX Form directly from help...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 04/21/2009

Blocked queries on any change in AOT

You may face a blocking issue on SQL Server each time you do any change in AOT. And you’re using...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 04/16/2009

HOWTO: Using WinAPI FindFirstFile, FindNextNext in Batch Jobs.

In batch job is not posible to call WinAPI functions WINAPI::FindFirstFile(..) and...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 03/13/2009

Running direct SQL code using Connection class

Sometimes you need to use direct SQL code in your methods. The easiest way is to use Connection...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 03/13/2009

Calling external web services from AX

While calling external web service from AX you might experience following error: Object 'CLRObject'...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 03/13/2009

HOWTO: Calling and using Com Connectror from VBS script.

For simple and fast testing of COM Connector you could use following VBS Script. Just copy code and...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 02/03/2009

Error during data migration while upgrading to AX 2009

When you're upgrading your existing AX 3.0 SP6 environment to AX 2009 you may run into following...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 02/02/2009

How to create a crash dump for Axapta processes ?

Symptoms: All clients lose connection to the AOS Server. If the Axapta AOS or client process crashes...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 01/28/2009

HOWTO: Change collation of AX database?

AX databases are by default created with the same collation as your SQL Server has. But time to time...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 01/06/2009

Is it possible to change schema for tables in database for AX 4.0 and 2009 in SQL Server 2005?

By default all tables in AX 4.0 and 2009 databases are stored in dbo schema in SQL Server 2005. But...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 12/09/2008

HOWTO: Sending mail from AX using .NET Framework.

Sometimes happen that SysMailer class (using CDO) is not the right solution for sending mails with...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 12/03/2008

Casting .NET objects in X++

To cast any .NET object it is necessary to first assign the value you need to cast to an instance of...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 10/22/2008

Client Crash "The license information can not be decoded"

When trying to Import the License file in Axapta 2009, the client crashes. In the Event Logs, you...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 08/29/2008

Novinka v AX 2009 - byref - předávání parametrů odkazem pro CLR Interop.

Novinkou v Dynamics AX 2009 je klíčové slovo byref. To umožní předat odkaz na...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 08/27/2008

Volání .NET tříd z X++

Někdy je zapotřebí použít objekty z prostředí .NET. Vytrovřil jsem proto jednoduchou...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 08/26/2008

XppCompiler - volání externího X++ kódu s parametrem.

Zde je ukázka kódu jak používat třídu XppCompilator. static void...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 08/18/2008

How to read out a Windows user SID and replace it in USERINFO table

This is needed if you are unable to log into the Axapta Client due to the following error message:...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 08/14/2008

Kde běží můj kod?

Někdy je velice užitečné vědět, kde běží právě daný kod. Lehce se lze na to...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 08/04/2008

Práce s container sloupci v T-SQL

Někdy je nutné přistupovat ke container datům v AX z uložené procedury přimo v T-SQL. Bohužel, není...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 07/30/2008

Práce s MemoryStream v MS Dynamics AX 2009

Od verze 2009 (5.0) je jižné možné používat nasledující konstrukci ke...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 07/21/2008

Jak zjistit status Windows service v X++?

Pokud potřebujete zjistit stav jakékoli služby v systému Windows, můžete jako inspiraci použít...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 07/18/2008


Vítejte na blogu českého týmu technické podpory produktu Dynamics AX. Zde vás budeme seznamovat...

Author: Martin Falta Date: 07/17/2008