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Dan on eScience & Technical Computing @ Microsoft

eScience & Technical Computing - Web Services and Scientific Research

Snapdragon–different way to explore Flickr

Was playing with Snapdragon from Live Labs today - Snapdragon utilizes Flickr images to prototype...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 09/02/2010

Looking at Optimal Big Ten realignment using operations research and Microsoft Solver Foundation

Just saw Nathan Brixius post on using operations research and Microsoft Solver Foundation to help...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/31/2010

There are some really useful features in the new Windows Live Essentials preview – Paul’s blog...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/29/2010

Relationship between Climate and the “breathing of the biosphere”

Two international studies from the FLUXNET collaboration were published this week in Science. The...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/16/2010

King of Bing Maps Challenge - Contest Information

Just heard from Chris Pendleton about the King of Bing Maps Contest Submit your Map App by July 25,...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/14/2010

TeraPixel–Largest, Smoothest Image in the World

As part of the WorldWide Telescope Apogee release yesterday we also released TeraPixel – the...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/13/2010

New WorldWide Telescope Release–includes Martian experience WWT|Mars

Today at the MSR Faculty Summit we released the latest version of WorldWide Telescope - the Apogee...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/12/2010

WEI Share: Share your Windows 7 Experience Index

Here’s a fun app - WEI Share -  to see how your Windows 7 machine stacks up to others,...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 06/28/2010

Research in the Brazilian Rainforest

For the past year our small EEE team in Microsoft External Research has been working with some...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 05/25/2010

More Cat’s Eye Nebula – via Bing and WWT

Today’s Bing Image of the day is the Cats Eye Nebula – if you want to explore it more you can see it...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 05/15/2010

Happy 2nd Birthday WorldWide Telescope

Today is the 2nd anniversary of the launch of WWT – congrats to Jonathan, Curtis, and the rest of...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 05/12/2010

What’s an Albedo? (And Why You Should Care)

Here’s a really good article on KQED’s Climate Watch on Albedo and why it’s important in a warming...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 05/05/2010

Is Open Data Protocol (OData) the way to expose Scientific Data?

Lately I’ve been looking at OData – the Open Data Protocol and have been wondering if this is the...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 04/27/2010

Folding@Home on Azure – Distributed Computing

Here’s a good way to get up to speed on WindowsAzure and contribute to a worldwide distributed...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 04/25/2010

WWT Fisheye and spherical mirror projection

In the latest WWT release put out on Tax Day (April 15th) – one of the features that was included...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 04/23/2010

Memories for life – SenseCam available

It’s great to see that the technology behind the SenseCam work out of MSR Cambridge is now available...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 04/23/2010

More Goodies into Windows HPC – cycle stealing, VS2010, Excel 2010, Linux Interop

The article from HPCwire on  Microsoft Injects More Goodies into Windows HPC highlights some of...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 04/09/2010

TechNet Creates Silverlight Application as Clearinghouse for Technology Resources

I’m a sucker for good technology and really useful  interfaces and applications – I just saw...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 04/07/2010

Bing Earth Day Photo Contest for US Students due April 11th

I hadn’t seen the Bing Earth Day Photo Contest till today…there are some really good prizes for both...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 04/06/2010

Chem4Word : Introducing Chemistry Add-in for Word

For those interested in adding chemical symbols to documents – checkout the Chem4Word project, you...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 04/01/2010

Cloud Computing for Science - AzureMODIS: Accelerating the Pace of Environmental Research

They just published an overview of the great collaboration going in the AzureMODIS project with UC...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 03/30/2010

Bing’s Best Images as desktop background

I do look forward to seeing the daily image Bing has as background on the search page – and was...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 01/18/2010

External Research Team Blog started

The Microsoft Research External Research group has started a blog – the initial post is from Tony...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 01/12/2010

The Fourth Paradigm Book – now available on Amazon – Paperback and Kindle

In addition to downloading the Fourth Paradigm book for free from the Microsoft Research website –...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 01/06/2010

Data needs to be Discoverable, Accessible, and Consumable

While the Data Deluge is upon on the scientific communities, how to manage and share the scientific...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 12/15/2009

FREE PowerPoint Twitter Tools by SAP Web 2.0

Very cool integration of Twitter and PowerPoint – good way to have interactive presentations…could...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 12/15/2009

First Annual U.S. Computer Science Education Week

The United States House of Representatives has designated December 6–12 as National Computer Science...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 12/07/2009

TAU – perf tuning for HPC

TAU, the performance tuning OSS software for HPC on Linux has been successfully made available to...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 11/25/2009

Cray Brings Windows 7 to HPC

Now what computational scientist wouldn’t want one of these under their desk.  I like the...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 11/12/2009

The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery – Book Released

Today Microsoft Research announced the availability of the book - The Fourth Paradigm:...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 10/16/2009

Amazon Web Services support Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR6 Subset

Now that AWS is supporting SDSS, there is probably useful integration between the Worldwide...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 09/29/2009

Achieving Climate Sustainability – Article in American Meteorological Society

Bill Gail has written a thoroughly thought provoking piece Achieving Climate Sustainability in the...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 09/25/2009

Project Gemini – Videos available

I previously posted about using Project Gemini as a tool for scientific analysis – as a quick way to...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/26/2009

TIME - WorldWideTelescope one of 50 Best Websites 2009

TIME magazine has the WorldWide Telescope WebClient (Silverlight) on their list of 50 Best Websites...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/24/2009

Science Analytics – look to use Project “Gemini”

When I first saw and heard details about Project “Gemini”, I was blown away by the technology and...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/21/2009

Mysterious object being built in garage

Deep in one of the garages on campus – I ran across this project being built…a modern Stonehenge?...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/21/2009

Instant Search - The Real Live Search Bing API experiment

If you’d like to see instant results while you’re typing in your search query try out “The Real Live...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/21/2009

SciScope app and code available for download

Earlier today the code behind the SciScope site was made available at SciScope.CodePlex.com. ...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/15/2009

Project Tuva: Richard Feynman is now available to all.

Project Tuva, an enhanced video player showcasing Richard Feynman’s “Messenger” lectures is...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/15/2009

Project Trident: A Scientific Workflow Workbench available for download

Project Trident CTP is now available for download.  Project Trident is a scientific workflow...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/14/2009

Environment and Energy Workshop at Faculty Summit 2009

For the past two days at the Microsoft Research Faculty Summit, we hare hosted a Environment and...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/14/2009

Preview the upcoming Eclipse of the Sun in WWT

On July 22nd there will be a total eclipse of the Sun that will last for over 6 mins that is visible...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/06/2009

eScience Workshop 2009 – Call for Papers

The 2009 eScience Workshop will be held at the Gates Center for Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/06/2009

A “Search Taste Test” – do you really know the difference?

Michael Kordahi created a way to see how Bing search results compare to the other big search players...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 06/09/2009

Adding quarters to the innovation machine

I really enjoyed Dan Reed’s latest posting - HPC: Making a Small Fortune - and the need for real...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 06/09/2009

New drop of NodeXL available

There’s a new drop (v of NodeXL Excel template available. 

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 06/09/2009

Bing Trucks

I’ve been seeing the Bing Trucks around town – take a look if you haven’t seen them

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 06/05/2009

Citizen Science Impact: Hanny’s Voorwerp and the Galaxy Zoo

If you ever wonder what how normal citizens can have an impact in science – take a listen to the...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 05/21/2009

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