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Find Out More About MSN's Web-based RSS Aggregator at Start.com

Steve Rider, one of the great folks behind start.com, has started a category on his blog devoted to the site. His first post discusses some of the changes they've made to the site in the past week. He writes

As soon as I finish this post I'll be digging in my heels for the afternoon and working on OPML import support and increasing the number of headlines per feed. Hey, what are rainy Sunday afternoons for?

Here are some of the improvements we've made since we were "discovered" a week and a half ago:


  • Full Firefox support
  • Migrated from cookie-based solution to back-end store for feeds and preferences
  • Removed the restriction on the number of feeds that can be added
  • Added ability to delete items from My Feeds and Recent Searches
  • Title of module is now hyperlinked (oops) and also gets updated if the title in the RSS feed is different
  • Show search history in correct order
  • Lots of fit and finish and minor cosmetic changes


  • Fixed a few problems with the ActiveX control that were causing boomarks not to be imported (there are still a couple of issues affecting some users)
  • Added OPML import support
  • Increased performance when fetching from server by making more async calls

One of the features I asked Steve for was OPML import so it's good to see that it's already being added to the site. I didn't realize how fast they'd be turning around on feature requests. Looks like I should dust off my list of feature requests for online aggregators and swing by Steve's office sometime this week. Sweet.
