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Change your MSN Passport email address

I just went to a session at Tech Ready on MSN Architecture.

After the session I had a chat with the presenter and asked him one of the questions I often get asked: "Why can't I change my Passport/Spaces/MSN email address?".

The news is all good!

Yesterday MSN went live with the ability to change your email address!

So head over to www.passport.com, sign in click on "Account Information" and then click "Change your email address"

You can move it to a new hotmail account or to another email account you own.  Cool! (and about time!).

Update: The point of this is if you have an account and you change your email address - you can now update your passport to reflect the new address.  Previously you had to create a new account which meant creating all your messenger contacts again. (Thanks to Dan for pointing out this issue)

Update2: I've received emails from people saying they cant change their email - I've put another post up on the subject here...