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Technical Briefings - over and out!

I've just finished the keynote presentation for the Christchurch Technical briefings.  Phew!  Great to have that out of the way.  I can now go back to normality ;-)

The last few weeks have been great in many ways.  I've now done my first ever keynote series, which itself has been a great experience. 

We've also spoken to over 2000 technical people (maybe including you!) about the value that Windows Vista and .Net 3.0 are delivering to customers today. 

For many people is was the first time they've ever been introduced to SoftGrid too - which is a fantastic product and its great to see the excitement this product is generating amonst IT administrators in New Zealand.

We've also shown you some of the future technologies that are coming up - just like this time last year, we have a huge pipeline of products.  Hopefully you all got to see Nigel using Expression Web and Expression Blend to create interactive web sites, and maybe even got to see his session on building applications users love (he assures me he'll be posting a video of his session soon).

Lots of people have been interested in Windows Home Server too.  If you want more information on this, check out the links in my previous blog post.

We are also going to be making videos of Jeremy and JD's talks, so keep your eye out for those too.  Oh - and if you are interested in seeing the BackgroundMotion project, hang fire - its not  live yet - the guys have got a little bit of polish to put on it before it is launched - not to mention that we want to document it so you can understand how it works...

Thanks to everyone who came along and for all the feedback.  Its been great to be able to present to you all, and I look forward to seeing you at TechEd 2007 (by the way, registration is now open)!

Technorati tags: Event, Developer, IT, Administrator, .Net, Vista, Windows, Microsoft, Softgrid, Expression, Designer, TechEd