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Windows Essential Business Server - Documentação


O ESB (Essential Business Server) é uma nova solução baseada no Windows Server 2008. Em poucas palavras, ele é para empresas onde o SBS (Small Business Server) já não se torna adequado, entretanto, ainda não é uma empresa que necessite de múltiplos servidores para separar todos os serviços.

Ele possui 2 versões: Standard (com o Windows Server 2008 STD, System Center Essentials, Exchange Server 2007+Forefront e ISA Server 2006. Jä a versão Premium, inclui todos esses produtos, mais o SQL Server 2008 STD Edition.



Abaixo segue uma documentação interessante sobre ele, com documentos de configuração e migração:


Windows Essential Business Server Installation Guide

This document explains how to install Windows Essential Business Server in a production environment.


Migrating DHCP Server Service to Windows Essential Business Server

This document explains the steps for preparing your environment to work with the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server service for Windows Essential Business Server


Migrating Active Directory Domain Services Scripts, Roaming Profiles, Redirected Folders, and Home Directories to Windows Essential Business Server

This document explains how to migrate scripts, roaming profiles, redirected folders, and home directories from your existing servers to the Windows Essential Business Server Management Server.


Migrating Windows Server Update Services to Windows Essential Business Server

This document explains the optional migration of Microsoft Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) from an existing server in your environment to Windows Essential Business Server.


Migrating the DNS Role to Windows Essential Business Server

This document explains how to move the DNS role from your existing servers or devices to the Management Server and Messaging Server.


Migrating from Windows Small Business Server 2003 to Windows Essential Business Server

Use this document to successfully migrate your environment from Windows Small Business Server 2003 to Windows Essential Business Server.