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Delay's Blog

Silverlight, WPF, Windows Phone, Web Platform, .NET, and more...

Is it still cheating if you come up with the cheat yourself? [Simple code to solve a "sliding pieces" puzzle]

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Date: 07/16/2013

Setting a value to null might be more dangerous than you think [Simple ToolTipServiceExtensions class avoids a runtime exception in Windows Store apps]

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Date: 07/01/2013

64 bits ought to be enough for everybody [TextAnalysisTool.NET update for .NET 2.0 and 64-bit enables the analysis of larger files!]

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Date: 05/20/2013

Happy Birthday, FeedWorm! [A simple, efficient (free!) Google Reader client for keeping up with RSS feeds on Windows Phone]

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Date: 06/25/2012

"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" [An alternate implementation of HTTP gzip decompression for Windows Phone]

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Date: 04/19/2012

"I never did mind about the little things..." [Free HideShowDesktopButtonOnTaskbar utility hides the "Show desktop" button on the Windows taskbar]

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Date: 01/24/2012

“Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.” [ManagedMsiExec sample app shows how to use the Windows Installer API from managed code]

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Date: 01/09/2012

"You are now up to date." [IfModifiedSinceWebClient makes it easy to keep a local file in sync with online content - and do so asynchronously]

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Date: 10/18/2011

Don't make the audience sit through all your typo-ing [Overview of implementing an extension for WebMatrix - and the complete source code for the Snippets sample]

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Date: 10/05/2011

TextAnalysisTool.NET to Windows 8: "Y U no run me under .NET 4?" [How to avoid the "please install .NET 3.5" dialog when running older .NET applications on the Windows 8 Developer Preview]

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Date: 09/22/2011

Make it your own [WebMatrix's new extensibility support enables developers and applications to customize the web development experience to their liking!]

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Date: 09/13/2011

Know your place in life [Free PlaceImage control makes it easy to add placeholder images to any WPF, Silverlight, or Windows Phone application!]

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Date: 09/08/2011

Invisible pixels are just as clickable as real pixels! [Tip: Use a Transparent brush to make "empty" parts of a XAML element respond to mouse and touch input]

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Date: 08/18/2011

Preprocessor? .NET don't need no stinkin' preprocessor! [DebugEx.Assert provides meaningful assertion failure messages automagically!]

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Date: 07/28/2011

Use it or lose it, part deux [New Delay.FxCop code analysis rule helps identify uncalled public or private methods and properties in a .NET assembly]

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Date: 07/14/2011

Use it or lose it! [New Delay.FxCop code analysis rule helps identify unused resources in a .NET assembly]

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Date: 06/29/2011

Speling misteaks make an aplikation look sily [New Delay.FxCop code analysis rule finds spelling errors in a .NET assembly's string literals]

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Date: 06/16/2011

Safe X (ml parsing with XLINQ) [XLinqExtensions helps make XML parsing with .NET's XLINQ a bit safer and easier]

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Date: 05/26/2011

"Sort" of a follow-up post [IListExtensions class enables easy sorting of .NET list types; today's updates make some scenarios faster or more convenient]

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Date: 05/18/2011

When you live on the bleeding edge, be prepared for a few nicks [Minor update to the Delay.Web.Helpers ASP.NET assembly download to avoid a NuGet packaging bug affecting Razor installs]

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Date: 05/09/2011

Something "sort" of handy... [IListExtensions adds easy sorting to .NET list types - enabling faster search and removal, too!]

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Date: 05/04/2011

Don't shoot the messenger [A WebBrowserExtensions workaround for Windows Phone and a BestFitPanel tweak for infinite layout bounds on Windows Phone/Silverlight/WPF]

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Date: 04/20/2011

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." [WebBrowserExtensions.StringSource attached dependency property makes Silverlight/Windows Phone/WPF's WebBrowser control more XAML- and binding-friendly]

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Date: 04/14/2011

Images in a web page: meh... Images in a web page: cool! [Delay.Web.Helpers assembly now includes an ASP.NET web helper for data URIs (in addition to Amazon S3 blob/bucket support)]

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Date: 04/06/2011

Each one is the best - for different definitions of "best" [The BestFitPanel collection of layout containers provides flexible, easy-to-use options for Silverlight, WPF, and Windows Phone applications]

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Date: 03/30/2011

What next, a DOS version?? [Free tool and source code to temporarily prevent a computer from entering sleep mode - 32-bit and 64-bit versions now support Windows XP!]

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Date: 03/23/2011

MEF lab [How to: Keep implementation details out of a MEF contract assembly by implementing an interface-based event handler]

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Date: 03/16/2011

MEF addict [Combining .NET 4's type embedding and MEF to enable a smooth upgrade story for applications and their extensions]

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Date: 03/09/2011

"Your feedback is important to us; please stay on the line..." [Improving Windows Phone 7 application performance is even easier with these LowProfileImageLoader and DeferredLoadListBox updates]

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Date: 03/03/2011

Candy-eating lemming [Delay.Web.Helpers (and its easy-to-use Amazon S3 blob/bucket API) is now available via NuGet!]

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Date: 02/24/2011

Night of the Living WM_DEADCHAR [How to: Avoid problems with international keyboard layouts when hosting a WinForms TextBox in a WPF application]

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Date: 02/21/2011

sudo localize --crossplatform [Free PseudoLocalizer class makes it easy to identify localization issues in WPF, Silverlight, and Windows Phone 7 applications!]

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Date: 02/16/2011

What it lacks in efficiency, it makes up for in efficiency! [Silverlight-ready PNG encoder implementation shows one way to use .NET IEnumerables effectively]

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Date: 02/07/2011

sudo localize & make me-a-sandwich [Free PseudoLocalizer class makes it easy for anyone to identify potential localization issues in .NET applications]

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Date: 01/27/2011

"Might as well face it, you're addicted to blob..." [BlobStoreApi update adds container management, fragmented response handling, other improvements, and enhanced Amazon S3 support by Delay.Web.Helpers!]

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Date: 01/20/2011

There's a blob on your web page - but don't wipe it off [New Delay.Web.Helpers assembly brings easy Amazon S3 blob access to ASP.NET web sites!]

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Date: 01/13/2011

SayIt, don't spray it! [Free program (and source code) makes it easy to use text-to-speech from your own programs and scripts]

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Date: 01/06/2011

"And she'd say, 'Can you see ... what I'm saying?'" [How to: Localize a Windows Phone 7 application that uses the Windows Phone Toolkit into different languages]

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Date: 12/20/2010

No rest for the weary [Free tool and source code to temporarily prevent a computer from entering sleep mode - now available for .NET, 32-bit, and 64-bit!]

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Date: 12/14/2010

Hash for the holidays [Managed implementation of CRC32 and MD5 algorithms updated; new release of ComputeFileHashes for Silverlight, WPF, and the command-line!]

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Date: 12/06/2010

Better together [DynamicOrientationChanges and TransitionFrame create a comprehensive transition experience for Windows Phone 7]

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Date: 11/29/2010

You've got questions; I've got dumb looks [PDC10's Channel 9 Live Windows Phone 7 Q&A session available online and offline]

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Date: 11/22/2010

The taming of the phone [New SetterValueBindingHelper sample demonstrates its usefulness on Windows Phone 7 (and Silverlight 4)]

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Date: 11/10/2010

ListPicker? I hardly even know 'er! [A detailed overview of the Windows Phone Toolkit's ListPicker control]

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Date: 11/03/2010

Mo controls, mo controls, mo controls... [Announcing the second release of the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit!]

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Date: 11/02/2010

"Silence is the virtue of fools." [Why the Windows Phone 7 Emulator can sometimes take forever to access the network - and how to fix it!]

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Date: 10/14/2010

Is that a BLOB in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? [Silverlight REST-based Azure/S3 BLOB API updated to run on Windows Phone 7!]

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Date: 10/12/2010

There's no substitute for customer feedback! [Improving Windows Phone 7 application performance now a bit easier with LowProfileImageLoader and DeferredLoadListBox updates]

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Date: 10/04/2010

This one's for you, Gregor Mendel [Code to animate and fade Windows Phone orientation changes now supports a new mode: hybrid!]

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Date: 09/28/2010
