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Automatically Populate the PATCH Property for the ConfigMgr Client Installation – Script Update

Last October I posted an update to the script to automatically set the PATCH property used by ccmsetup.exe to install client updates during the Configuration Manager client installation in a task sequence.  That update was to make the script compatible with ConfigMgr 2012.

Since that time, my colleague Alexey Semibratov pointed out to me that the script did not correctly handle FullMedia deployments correctly.  In that scenario, I had assumed that the script could install the client updates directly off the media.  This assumption will not work if the media drive letter changes after booting into the new OS.

To overcome this, the new version attached below now uses Alexey’s idea to copy the updates to %OSDisk%\windows\temp\hotfix in all scenarios.  The %OSDISK% variable should get set properly in all scenarios when using latest MDT 2012 Update 1 task sequence template.

Follow the October 2012 post for instructions to setup the client package and Chris Nackers’ great blog post for instructions on how to configure this solution.

Update 2013-06-12: In a comment posted to the October 2012 post, a reader had an issue where it appeared that the OSDisk variable did not get set before this script ran.  To try to alleviate this, I have made a small change to the script where it now checks to see if OSDisk has a value and if not, calls a ZTIUtility.vbs function to try to set it.  The updated script (v1.1.3) is now attached below.  This version requires the latest version of ZTIUtility.vbs (from MDT 2012 Update 1 as of this writing). Update 2013-07-02: Based on Dave’s comment below and some feedback from colleague Stefan Giloj, I’ve posted a script update that includes an additional check to see if the variable OSDTargetSystemDrive has a value if the function oUtility.GetOSTargetDriveLetterEx does not return a value.  The updated script (v1.1.4) is now attached below.  This version also requires the latest version of ZTIUtility.vbs (from MDT 2012 Update 1 as of this writing).


Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, confers no rights, and is not supported by the authors or Microsoft Corporation. Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified in the Terms of Use .

This post was contributed by Michael Murgolo, a Senior Consultant with Microsoft Services - U.S. East Region.
