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Windows Phone 7 Social Viewer Application Template Released


S1Get started with Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone 7 and have fun building Windows Phone 7 applications using the Social Viewer Template created by Nick Randolph (Built To Roam) in no time at all!!

The Social Viewer Template and the Howto Guide is available at https://socialviewer.codeplex.com licensed under Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL).

The Social Viewer template enables you to create mashups from Twitter, Facebook, RSS and Atom feeds with all the plumbing for security, sharing, offline, Trial mode and advertising support built in.

At the simplest level all you need to do is provide links to web feeds, and describe how you want the data to be presented to the end user. If you’re an experienced developer you can crack open the Social Viewer Template and go crazy on your ideas.

The template and developer tools are free and if you are an Australian developer I have a limited number of Token available for free Windows Phone 7 Marketplace registration.

It takes approximately 30 minutes and most of that time is creating the application icon imagesSmile

Give it a whirl and post any comments or suggestions against this blog posting.

Cheers Dave
