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Microsoft Enterprise Search Blog

Crawling case sensitive repositories using SharePoint Server 2010

Introduction There are many repositories which are case sensitive. To elaborate with an example, in...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 07/09/2010

SharePoint Search 2010 in a Small Scale Farm - Hardware

Hello, my name is Hernando Silva and, as some of you might know from Dan's previous posts , for the...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 06/15/2010

SharePoint 2010 Search 'Dogfood' Part 3 - Query Performance Optimization

Hello again and welcome to the SharePoint Server 2010 Search series of blog postings dedicated to...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 06/09/2010

SharePoint 2010 Search 'Dogfood' Part 2 - Query Health Reports

One of my favorite features of SharePoint Server 2010 Search is the health reporting that we added....

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 06/09/2010

SharePoint 2010 Search 'Dogfood' Part 1 - Hardware

Hello again, Dan Blood here. To layout the lessons I've learned in hosting Search 2010 I will...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 06/02/2010

SharePoint 2010 Search - Experiences and Best Practices from the Microsoft ‘Dogfood’ Implementation

Hello, Dan Blood here with another series of blog postings about running SharePoint Server 2010...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 05/10/2010

Business Data Search in SharePoint 2010: Crawling associated external content types

Business data associations are widely used to fetch related external content (ex. data from two sql...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 03/09/2010

Innovation on Linux and UNIX

Innovation is at the heart of our enterprise search strategy, and a commitment to innovation is what...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 02/04/2010

Regular Expressions Support in SharePoint 2010 Crawling

Search admins often need to omit from a crawl files that match a certain pattern. E.g.: · In a bank,...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 01/21/2010

The Search Developer Story in SharePoint 2010 - Query Interfaces

SharePoint 2010 includes a number of features that make the platform easier to use for developers....

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 11/20/2009

Web-based mapping services from Microsoft and others have been around for a number of years, but all...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 11/09/2009

FAST meets SharePoint - What's Coming in Search for SharePoint 2010

Last week was the 2009 SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas. The sold-out attendance of 7400 doubled...

Author: ntreloar Date: 10/27/2009

Enterprise Search and Bing Services – Part 1: The Bing Translator

(In May of this year, Microsoft launched its Bing search service for the Web. While Bing has shown...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 09/22/2009

Searching for Virtue - Virtuous Cycles as a Model for Successful Search Implementations

I like design patterns. I like the idea that there are right ways to do things and wrong ways...

Author: ntreloar Date: 09/14/2009

Coping with Hype in Enterprise Search Marketing

Not long ago, I was invited to participate at a customer’s annual conference. It was an amazing...

Author: ntreloar Date: 08/27/2009

A Focus on Search User Experience

It’s happening… slowly … but it’s happening. Attention in search is finally shifting from a focus on...

Author: ntreloar Date: 07/14/2009

Observations from the Text Analytics Summit 2009

One of the hard parts about organizing a conference like the 5th annual Text Analytics Summit, held...

Author: ntreloar Date: 06/09/2009

Thinking Big – Search Scale and Performance on a Budget

I recently came across Paul Nelson’s informative post on search scalability. I don’t know how long...

Author: ntreloar Date: 05/22/2009

Actionable Search – From What to Why?

Day 1 at the Enterprise Search Summit in NYC is wrapping up and I’ve just listened to Lisa Denissen...

Author: ntreloar Date: 05/12/2009

Search and Natural User Interfaces - Part 2

In my first post on this subject last week, I referred to a scene in the movie “Minority Report” as...

Author: ntreloar Date: 05/03/2009

Search and Natural User Interfaces (NUIs) - Part 1

About five years ago or so, I participated in a conference panel where the question was asked: “What...

Author: ntreloar Date: 04/27/2009

One Year with Microsoft – a FAST Perspective

After years of writing customer proposals, internal memoranda, and various stuffily formal...

Author: ntreloar Date: 04/17/2009

Microsoft Presents FAST forward 09: Engage Your User

The Mirage, Las Vegas, Feb 9-11 Since its inaugural conference in 2006, FASTforward has been a venue...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 12/18/2008

Microsoft positioned in the Leaders Quadrant of the 2008 Information Access Magic Quadrant

We’ve got great news to share! Last month, Gartner published the 2008 Magic Quadrant for Information...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 10/30/2008

Taking People Search on the Road….

In another great blog post Matt McDermott walks you through the steps of enabling SharePoint’s...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 10/16/2008

Partner Post: One Stop Search from the Microsoft Office Research Task Pane

Since the release of Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft desktop applications such as MS Word,...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 09/26/2008

How to: Customize the Thesaurus in SharePoint Search and Search Server

The thesaurus is an xml file that provides users with a means of automatically expanding or...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 09/23/2008

Matthew McDermott, a SharePoint MVP, has written a great 4 part blog post on how to make SharePoint...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 09/19/2008


Page for MoveTableToFileGroup.sql attachment MoveTableToFileGroup.sql

Author: Richard Riley - MSFT Date: 09/16/2008


Page for MoveCrawlTablesToFileGroup.sql attachment MoveCrawlTablesToFileGroup.sql

Author: Richard Riley - MSFT Date: 09/16/2008

This article has been a long time coming, but it is finally here.  In the post below I will...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 09/16/2008

Partner Post: Announcing conceptClassifier for SharePoint – Automatic Classification within Office

Enterprise customers are increasingly struggling with how to apply policy and governance at the...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 09/02/2008

Hi all, this topic is an area that has caused me much pain and work.  My goal for this was to...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 09/02/2008

How to: Mine the ULS logs for query latency

Tracking query latencies can be made easier through the use of the products ULS logs.  ...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 09/02/2008

Search Server 2008 Express Redistribution Rights

If you’re interested in using Search Server 2008 Express in your application or shipping it on...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 08/21/2008

Announcing: Availability of Infrastructure Updates

As announced on the SharePoint Team blog this morning we released to web three new important updates...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 07/15/2008

Announcing: conceptClassifier for SharePoint

conceptClassifier for SharePoint adds automatic document classification and taxonomy management to...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 07/07/2008

Announcing: SharePoint Web Parts for FAST ESP

It’s been around 45 days since the acquisition of FAST Search and Transfer closed and we’re moving...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 06/20/2008

Indexing Exchange Server 2007 Public Folders

I've had several questions recently about how to index Exchange Server 2007 Public Folders with...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 06/06/2008

Introducing Protocol Handler.NET

"Protocol Handler.Net is a set of .Net wrappers for the protocol handler interfaces that enable...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 06/05/2008

Announcing: Release to Web of Documentum and FileNet Indexing Connectors

Today marks the release of 2 new Microsoft Enterprise Search Indexing Connectors (formally known as...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 05/27/2008

Introducing the ExportCrawlLog STSADM Command Extension

In versions of SharePoint prior to MOSS 2007 each time a crawl was executed, a new group of log...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 05/26/2008

Understanding Total Hits & Paging in the MOSS 2007 Search API

One of the more discussed topics I’ve seen (and struggled with myself) is around the concept...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 05/22/2008

Microsoft® System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) is designed to help you take backups and...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 05/21/2008

Search training material available on TechNet!

We recently published ~17 hours of training videos for Enterprise Search on TechNet. The 14 recorded...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 05/20/2008

SQL Monitoring and I/O

Hello again, the interest in the existing posts is starting to climb. As always feel free to post...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 05/19/2008

Search Relevance Tuning

Changing the advanced relevance settings for Search Server 2008 and SharePoint Server 2007 (such as...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 05/14/2008

Crawling Novell Netware with SharePoint Server 2007 and Search Server 2008

Search in SharePoint Server 2007 and Search Server 2008 can crawl a variety of content sources. For...

Author: enterprisesearch Date: 05/12/2008
