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Quickly Generate XML List of Web Site’s Configuration


The Web Deployment utility allows the administrator to quickly generate a list of configuration details about the web site in a readable format. This is helpful in situations of troubleshooting a web sites behavior by quickly seeing most of the configuration for the site in an easy readable format.

The dump command is used in this situation to obtain information about the web site or other objects and outputs to an XML file for review.

msdeploy -verb:dump -source:appHostconfig="URLTest" -xml > c:\temp\URLTestDetails.xml

The dump operation can be used to obtain configuration details for the complete server, web applications, and application pool.

Entire Server:

msdeploy -verb:dump -source:webserver -xml > c:\temp\EntireServer.xml

Application Only:

msdeploy -verb:dump -source:iisApp="<website1>/<App1>" -xml > c:\temp\App1.xml

Application Pool:
msdeploy -verb:dump -source:appPoolConfig=DefaultAppPool -xml > c:\temp\DefaultAppPool.xml

Please note, this does not take the place of viewing the applicationhost.config file and the output is a representation of site’s configuration in Web Deploy’s layout.