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What’s New for Developers in Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010?

The upcoming release of Office and SharePoint offers a wealth of interesting new scenarios and solutions that can be built thanks to new features and improvements added to different Office and SharePoint products and technologies. There’s more possibilities to integrate Office and SharePoint to build rich client-server solutions using tools such as Visual Studio 2010, SharePoint Designer 2010, InfoPath 2010, and Access 2010.

Some of you already had an opportunity to play with the Betas and write code, read lots of blogs, twitter feeds, and some MSDN articles and videos. Some others are eager to get the final release to start building solutions and are already starting to ramp-up. In either case, I realize there’s a lot of information out there already and it’s always helpful to get some advice on where to start.

I find it fascinating to learn new technologies, and I truly enjoy working on training content and article plans. For those eager to learn as well, I’ll take you along with me on a joyride of learning what’s new for developers on Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010.

I’ve spent the last months working in content plans for upcoming MSDN articles, Visual How-tos, and MSDN site projects. Happily, there’s already plenty articles, code samples, and videos on our publishing pipe to cover the most interesting features and scenarios. We started releasing some content in October after the SPC 2009 and in November for Beta. We have much more to come in the following months and it’s a great time to catch-up on blogging as there’s so much to share in the following months. This are exciting times for Office and SharePoint developers!

With this blog post, I am starting a series of posts that will guide you through the most interesting 2010 features and resources available for developers. I’ll be tagging this series as learn2010.

I’ll start by introducing the top places/content I recommend if you want to learn more about Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010 development.

 Developing with Office 2010

Videos: The 5-10+ min intros

Key Pillars of Office 2010 Development, the 3 + hours intro to Office 2010 development

The links below provide videos, downloads, and technical articles specific to each pillar.

Web sites and training content for developers

Developing with SharePoint 2010

Videos: The 5-10+ min intros

Key Pillars of SharePoint 2010 Development, the 3 + hours intro to SharePoint 2010 development

The links below provide videos, downloads, and hands-on labs specific to each pillar.

Getting Started: Building Web Parts in SharePoint 2010

What Developers Need to Know About SharePoint 2010

Building Blocks for Web Part Development in SharePoint 2010

Accessing SharePoint 2010 Data and Objects with Server-Side APIs

Accessing SharePoint 2010 Data and Objects with Client-Side APIs

Accessing External Data with Business Connectivity Services in SharePoint 2010

Developing Business Processes with SharePoint 2010 Workflows

Creating Silverlight User Interfaces for SharePoint 2010 Solutions

Sandboxed Solutions for Web Parts in SharePoint 2010

Creating Dialog Boxes and Ribbon Controls for SharePoint 2010

Web sites and training content for developers

MSDN SharePoint Developer Center

SharePoint 2010 (Beta) Home Page

SharePoint 2010 Upgrade Resource Center

SharePoint 2010 Community

SharePoint 2010 Developer Workshop

While generic, the links above can help you understand the big picture. As we approach the launch, I will be drilling-down into more detailed info about developing solutions using specific features pertaining to key pillars of Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010 development. I’ll try and share more videos, links to articles, pointers to interesting blog posts, and code samples for each piece so you can continue to learn more about features that you find particularly interesting.