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Feroze Daud's WebLog

Moved on...

At the beginning of this year, I moved onto a different company. I have joined Zillow as a Software...

Date: 08/13/2009

Test-UMConnectivity Primer

Exchange 2007 Ships with a tool called test-umconnectivity that can be used to verify the health of...

Date: 12/20/2008

Encapsulating Enumeration

While writing a unit test for a particular feature, I was faced with an interesting problem. My unit...

Date: 11/03/2008

AutoAttendant: What do the various Greetings mean

This post is going to give an explanation of what the various greetings mean, for the autoattendant....

Date: 10/22/2007

PowerShell script to get the reason why a Unified Messaging worker process recycled

If you are the administrator of an Exchange Unified Messaging server, you might want to know why the...

Date: 03/16/2007

Viewing eventlog files in the absence of resource strings.

Many a time, I had to look at eventlog files sent by a customer, or those from a test run that...

Date: 09/22/2006

Attaching VS to a process on startup.

I have been stumped from time to time on how to attach VS debuggers to a process on process startup....

Date: 04/04/2006

Ping Part IV: Adventures in Socket programming using System.Net

In this part, we will add some networking code to the code we have thus far. When we get done, we...

Date: 10/26/2005

Ping Part III: Adventures in Socket programming using System.Net

In Part II of this article, we saw how we are going to use the ICMP protocol to implement a simple...

Date: 10/24/2005

Ping Part II: Adventures in Socket programming using System.Net

If you see the ping utility that comes with your OS, you will notice that it has many options....

Date: 10/23/2005

PING: Adventures in Socket programming using System.Net

After a long hiatus, I am back to posing to my blog. I am going to start out with a series on Socket...

Date: 10/20/2005

Decoding Printer Tracking Technology

In a previous blog post, I wrote about how printer manufacturers are embedding tracking information...

Date: 10/18/2005

Tracing in System.Net (contd..)

Durgaprasad, the test lead for System.Net has a very informative entry on using Tracing facilities...

Date: 09/22/2005

Enabling Tracing for System.Net

In whidbey, System.Net has a cool retail tracing implementation. It writes most calls made to public...

Date: 05/12/2005

HttpWebRequest and Host Headers

A user posted on the newsgroups asking about how to set Host headers in HttpWebRequest....

Date: 03/31/2005

Forcing reuse of connections when doing Windows Authentication

When doing authentication, HttpWebRequest manages connections differently, depending on the...

Date: 11/22/2004

Printers are watching you!

Someone sent me a link which talks about how printers are embedding tracking information in pages...

Date: 11/22/2004

Async Programming Model - Reloaded

This topic is about the asynchronous programming model, and how it is used when doing Networking....

Date: 10/07/2004

HttpWebRequest and PreAuthentication

The topic of this post is PreAuthentication. HTTP Webservers support multiple authentication...

Date: 07/12/2004

Downloading content from the web using different encodings

The other day, somebody asked me: How do I download a webpage, or other content from a webserver,...

Date: 03/30/2004

A tale of threads

Today's lesson is about thread interaction between Asp.Net and the HttpWebRequest object of the...

Date: 02/01/2004


Welcome to my blog! This blog is a place for raves and rants about everything in general, and...

Date: 01/20/2004