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SaaS Architecture Guidance Validation

I just came back from a long vacation, and before that I was cranking on the two SaaS architecture papers that are now available here:

I have been receiving readers’ feedback on those papers and the comments have been excellent. Here’s a quote from a customer in Australia on the multi-tenant data architecture paper:

“Thanks for a great article. It’s was nice to see that the system that we have followed for the last 6 years was the right way to go and with us wanting to move to the next level, the encryption system to give protection and horizontal partitioning was a nice touch which I have been looking for.”

It’s always great to have real world practitioners’ validation on our architecture guidance.

A few topics are on my radar for the next few papers:

  • Multi-tenant workflow architecture
  • Using multi-tenant data models in UI presentation and business logic
  • Multi-tenant UI architecture
  • SaaS and the enterprise: value propositions, challenges and solutions

I would love to hear and include war stories from the seasoned architects out there.