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Add-in that lists the IDs (idMSOs) of context menu controls is now available

As part of Office 2010 extensibility, it is now possible to extend Context Menus exists, e.g. adding new buttons to a particular context menu in Word/Excel/etc.. To extend a particular Context Menu developers need to know the id name of that particular Context Menu; for that purpose UEX publishes every release a list with all the names of all the extensible controls in Office. However, is not easy for developers to look at the huge list and find the context menu he/she wants to extend because sometimes the names are not meaningful. To help developers with this task, Julián Argil Torres has developed a small add-in that adds at the end of the context menus a button with its name, also if the developer clicks the button, the name is stored in the clipboard.

You can find a link to the add-in at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/aa905530.aspx