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Poll: Which IDEs are being used by driver developers?

I would like to use this post as a way to find out, what different IDEs are being used for driver development. It would be nice, if you could write your favorite IDE(s) and a small explanation (and possibly a link) about their strengths and weaknesses. It doesn't matter, which company created the IDE, since this could be a nice opportunity for many people to learn what options are available.

Personally, I've tried Visual Studio (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/default.aspx), however I consider it too heavy. One advantage, though, is that it can be combined with DDKBUILD (http://www.osronline.com/article.cfm?article=43), in order to provide seamless interaction with the WDK compiler. You can look at http://hollistech.com/Resources/ddkbuild/ddkbuild.htm for additional information. Hopefully, in the future, Visual Studio might also support WDK help integration. Currently, I'm using Source Insight (http://www.sourceinsight.com/), which is much lighter. I like the fact that it has symbol windows for each file, syntax formatting and many other useful options, such as smart rename of variables (e.g. if I choose to rename a variable called buffer to Buffer that is used inside a function Foo, it won't rename a variable called Stringbuffer and it won't rename any other variable called buffer that is outside of Foo).

So, which IDE(s) are you using?