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The .Net Coffee Break Show – Now Registering for Show 3

I know Clare has mentioned the .Net Coffee Break on her blog a few times before, but as theyimage’re now on their third show I thought it was worth mentioning again.

The good folks over at Developers.ie have created a great idea in the form of a live webcast during, of course, coffee break time (well, coffee break time for those of us in GMT!) where an area expert comes in to demonstrate live some aspect of interest to .Net developers.  I had the honour of presenting the first Coffee Break on (what else) Silverlight 2, and yesterday Tim Heuer presented on Silverlight and Data.

Next week should be a great show with Stephen Walther talking about ASP.NET MVC.  You can find out more about Stephen and his talk on developers.ie: http://www.developers.ie/Webcasts.aspx

All the talks are free, just make sure you register ahead of time so you get the login information in time.  You can simply  watch at your desk with LiveMeeting.  There are instructions for installing the LiveMeeting client on the developers.ie page above.

This is an excellent free resource for developers – thanks very much to Developers.ie for putting this together!

Cross posted from Martha's Blog