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Third XNA Day Video: Dave Mitchell

Dave Mitchell came all the way from Seattle during his Thanksgiving holiday to talk with students at the XNA tour.  He is a director at Microsoft for XNA, and he certainly knows his stuff.  Dave gave the opening keynote of the XNA European Tour, where he talked about the "Ongoing Democratization of Game Development."  It's an excellent overview of how the games industry is changing and opening up.  It's not a country club anymore - XNA allows anyone to play in this space, just like sites such as YouTube opened up the media industry to everyone.

We were really lucky to have Dave here!  I am thrilled with the video as I had also just returned to Dublin from my Thanksgiving holiday, and had arrived too late to hear him.  Enjoy Dave's talk!


Technorati Tags: XNA Game Studio,XNA,Microsoft

Cross posted from Martha's Blog
