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Office 2010 for Developers: Conference moving to SharePoint Conference 2009

As I spent a ton of time at Tech Ed, I was super impressed by the immense amount of interest in Office 2010. I know the excitement will only grow, and one of the best ways for you, the devoted Office Developer, to get inside, in-depth, in-person exposure to all things Office 2010 and SharePoint is at the show dedicated just to these technologies! Today, Gray Knowlton announced how the Office Developer Conference will not take place and the content will be part of the SharePoint Conference . If you are an attendee of Office Developer Conference in the past, we strongly recommend you come see us at the SharePoint Conference in October, where we’ll cover Office client development in depth. Be sure to sign up for the Technical Preview as well!

I will be there (as I am every year) talking about what’s new for developers, how to build business productivity solutions on the Microsoft stack, and more. There’s a lot to be excited about in this release, and you’ll hear more about those things in the months to come, putting a bow on it all at the SharePoint Conference.

Join me there!!

Rock Thought of the Day:

My 43rd birthday is coming up, and I’m working with my sons on a set list for the little show we’ll play at my birthday party. We’ve got our own songs as well as a few covers. Take a look at the set list, and you’ll notice the covers. These are great songs because they hold up over time. We give ‘em a slightly harder edge, and that makes them more our own. But, there are great songs out there that have unfortunately been forgotten:

1) Freedom (written by our band, Atlas Falling)

2) Fire (by the Bloodhound Gang…without the profanity :))

3) Say It Ain’t So (by Weezer)

4) Call  Me in the Morning (written by our band, Atlas Falling)

5) Tell Me Something Good (by Rufus)

6) Mess of the Blues (by Elvis/Led Zep)
