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Acropolis vs SCSF/CAB FAQ

Glenn Block from the Patterns and Practices team (the guys who made CAB) blogged about some common asked questions relating to Acropolis and their project.

Check it out here: https://blogs.msdn.com/gblock/archive/2007/06/06/acropolis-the-future-of-smart-client.aspx

 Here is a quick snippet of the most common question asked:

What happens to SCSF when Acropolis ships? Will p&p still support it?

With the announcement of Acropolis, we currently have no further plans for SCSF releases.  That being said, our customers should rest assured that we are not dropping support for SCSF. We will continue to support the forums, provide fixes and assist customers in their implementations. Additionally the newly launched SCSFContrib project is an ongoing community effort to extend CAB/SCSF which will continue. We will continue to look at ways to help customers build smart client applications including providing pure WPF guidance as well as guidance for building Acropolis applications. 

I have an existing SCSF / CAB applicaiton, will you help me migrate to Acropolis?

Another yes. We will be working with David Hill and the Acropolis team to create a migration path for existing CAB/SCSF customers. This will include looking at hosting existing CAB components in Acropolis as well as prescriptive guidance. We are committed to helping our customers make this transiton.