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Silverlight 2 Beta 2 has shipped!

Just a few hours ago, I was doing my talk based on Silverlight 2 Beta 2 bits and one of my attendee asked about when Beta 2 will be available. I am happy to annouce that it is now available!

Download the bits now on Silverlight.Net!

I have also updated my controls sample for Beta 2. I've made some significant changes and I hope you like it! :)


Silverlight Control Demo Sample
Uploaded on June 4
Created by: Microsoft

A sample of twenty-four Silverlight 2 controls that can be viewed live together with the source code used to drive the controls.

By clicking Download It you accept the license

View ItDownload It

I'm always interested to hear feedback, so remember to leave a comment and let me know what you think about the controls and the sample!

<Editorial Note>

The links to my sample is broken on Silverlight.NET . I have contacted the owners of the page to see what's wrong. In the mean time, I have uploaded it on my WINISP account and set the links above to it. I'll update this blog once the links are fixed.

Links on Silverlight.Net is now fixed! Woohoo!

</Editorial Note>