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How to add links with spaces in them to email

If you've ever needed to reference a file or location with spaces in the URI, such as:

\\fileserver\share\my doc.doc

https://www.domain.com/virtualdirectory/neat stuff.htm

You may have been annoyed by the complete URI not getting auto-linked due to the spaces in it. One way to fix it is to select the entire text, copy it, go to Insert | Hyperlink and paste it in there. But another quicker way to accomplish this is to wrap the URI in < and >, such as:

<\\fileserver\share\my doc.doc>

and Outlook will automatically remove the < >'s and make the entire URI a hyperlink:

\\fileserver\share\my doc.doc

(I'm using Outlook to post this entry, and it auto-corrected the link with <>'s above for me; pressing Ctrl+Z reverted it to the way I typed it. This is useful in Excel too, when it auto-hyperlinks a URI you type in a cell)