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Create Bot for Microsoft Graph with DevOps 1: Unit Testing Bot Framework application

In this series, I will develop a chat bot by using Microsoft Bot Framework and Graph API with VSTS to enable DevOps.

Unit Tests for Bot Framework

Testing is one of the key concept to make DevOps successful, but unit testing of Bot Framework is different from other projects such as MVC. The article below explain the concept very well, so I won’t duplicate the effort to explain it here.

Unit Testing for Bot Applications

Thanks to Catalyst team and Mor Shemesh who shared their precious knowledge and allow me to re-use your contents.

Development Environment

VSTS project

VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services) is Microsoft tool which I use for this project. If you don’t have VSTS account, signup the trial.

1. Create new project in VSTS.


2. I specified Git as version control and Agile for template.


3. Once project setup, click [Clone in Visual Studio]


4. Map to local folder.

image Visual Studio Project

1. Create new solution in Team Explorer


2. Select Bot Application template. I name the project as O365 Bot.


3. Add Unit Test Project, too. I name it  as O365Bot.UnitTests.


Create unit test helper

BotBuilder github has great resource for unit testing.

1. Download source code from BotBuilder GitHub (https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder)

2. Add a Helper folder in the Unit Test project.

3. Copy below files into the helper folder.

– BotBuilder-master\CSharp\Tests\Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Tests\ConversationTest.cs
– BotBuilder-master\CSharp\Tests\Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Tests\DialogTestBase.cs
– BotBuilder-master\CSharp\Tests\Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Tests\FiberTests.cs

As these files also include test class, delete followings.

– ConversationTest class in ConversationTest.cs
– FiberTests class in FiberTest.cs

4. Add following NuGet packages and apply latest versions for both bot and unit test projects.

– BotBuilder
– Moq

* I didn’t update MSTest packages as the latest version didn’t work well. The version I use is 1.1.11

5. Add System.Web reference and O365Bot project reference.

6. Build the solution once.

Add unit test and execute

All the prerequisites are ready. Let’s add test.

1. Replace the code in UnitTest1.cs with following.

 using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Tests;
using Microsoft.Bot.Connector;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Autofac;
using O365Bot.Dialogs;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.Internals;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Base;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace O365Bot.UnitTests
    public class SampleDialogTest : DialogTestBase
        public async Task ShouldReturnCount()
            // Instantiate dialog to test
            IDialog<object> rootDialog = new RootDialog();
            // Create in-memory bot environment
            Func<IDialog<object>> MakeRoot = () => rootDialog;
            using (new FiberTestBase.ResolveMoqAssembly(rootDialog))
            using (var container = Build(Options.MockConnectorFactory | Options.ScopedQueue, rootDialog))
                // Create a message to send to bot
                var toBot = DialogTestBase.MakeTestMessage();
                toBot.From.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                toBot.Text = "hi!";
                // Send message and check the answer.
                IMessageActivity toUser = await GetResponse(container, MakeRoot, toBot);

                // Verify the result
                Assert.IsTrue(toUser.Text.Equals("You sent hi! which was 3 characters"));

        /// <summary>
        /// Send a message to the bot and get repsponse.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task<IMessageActivity> GetResponse(IContainer container, Func<IDialog<object>> makeRoot, IMessageActivity toBot)
            using (var scope = DialogModule.BeginLifetimeScope(container, toBot))
                DialogModule_MakeRoot.Register(scope, makeRoot);

                // act: sending the message
                using (new LocalizedScope(toBot.Locale))
                    var task = scope.Resolve<IPostToBot>();
                    await task.PostAsync(toBot, CancellationToken.None);
                //await Conversation.SendAsync(toBot, makeRoot, CancellationToken.None);
                return scope.Resolve<Queue<IMessageActivity>>().Dequeue();

2. Build the solution.

3. Run the test from Text Explore.



I will add AuthBot to enable ADAL authentication for Office 365 in the next article. Don’t forget to Check-in the code to VSTS.

GitHub: https://github.com/kenakamu/BotWithDevOps-Blog-sample/tree/master/article1
