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Yes we r miles away in the India Dev Center...

...but we share the fun..

From Left: Dinesh Bhat (Test Mgr), Neeti Kapur (test), yours truly :) (Program Mgr)



...drink merry..

from left: Gijo (test Lead), Ankur (Dev) - dont worry they werent like this while building the product :))



..and are proud to be a part in building ..the Visual Studio Team Foundation...

seated from left - Rubel(test), Satinder(dev), Rituparna(test), Akash(PM), Ankur(dev), Amit(dev), Srivatsn (Test), Manish(Dev). Standing from left: Neeraja (dev lead), Gijo (behind the box), yours truly (the one waving :)), Anu (Test) and Neeti


[Edited - added names to the pics as requested in one of the comments]