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How important it is to communicate one's idea in a right way

I got a prize of appreciation from the Estimation Excellence Core Team for my little contribution towards it.  It was a book - Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath.  It is through this book I sincerely thought about how important it is, to communicate my idea in a right way to the intended audience. 

Lets say, a Manager has new strategy and he speaks about it through a meeting and email.  And the next day, his reports are still implementing the old one.  Where is the new idea proposed by the Manager gone?  Good idea often have a hard time to succeed in this world. But why?  Communication is the answer. 

The appraoch taken to communicate the idea must make deep impact on the audience and should make it memorable.  Communication technique might be several:  could be a professional inspring speech, or a simple video recording, at times starting with a story or a joke.  A teacher should know better way to convey the lessons to the students.  Teaching methodology adopted by the teacher various to students of Standard I and XII.  Now comes the next key component - the nature of audience.  One should know the audience well: Know what the listeners care about, so can tailor the communication accordingly.  Last piece of my learning is - an idea does not get emphasized by repetition.  No legendary statement is repeated ten times.  If the idea communicated requires repetition, then it probably means the idea wasn't well designed.

To summarize, if getting an innovative idea is one part and communicating it effectively is another important part.  Idea communicated must stick - Understandable, Memorable and Effective in changing thoughts or behavior.  I will suggest my friends to read this book and get to know how important it is to communicate your idea effectively.