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Mac Office Resource Links

Ever have one of those really busy weeks where you can't even
remember what you did at the end of the week? I'm having one of
those. Not complaining though, we've got a lot of interesting stuff
we're doing at work, unfortunately not too much I can talk about at
this point.

All that said, one of the cool jobs that I have at Microsoft is
talking to customers directly about how Mac Office is working in
their companies. Before I talk to them, I usually ask for a list of
questions they might have so I can get the answers together for them
before hand and hopefully save them some time.

So where do I get my information? Sure, I can track down a developer
or a PM and get an answer, but ideally I want them focused on
building the next great version of Office. So what I try to do is
track the information down myself. Where do I look? That's where
this weeks links come in. I have a bunch of places I go for information, but if I had to
pick 5, I usually go to these first:

Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac Resource Kit version 2   This document usualy has the information I'm looking for. It was even
updated this summer. From the
description: The Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac Resource Kit version 2
provides procedure and reference information for administrators and
support professionals who deploy, administer, and support Office 2004
for Mac in networked environments. This Resource Kit provides guidance
for using Office 2004 for Mac with Microsoft Exchange Server,
Microsoft Live Communications Server, Microsoft Internet Security and
Acceleration Server, and related products.

The Entourage Help Page   A lot of great Entourage information: The Entourage Help Page is provided as a resource to help Entourage:
Mac users. FAQs come from the Entourage Newgroup and the Entourage
Talk list.

The web site for Macintosh-Windows integration. Some of the best
information available about using your Macs in Windows networks.

Office 2004 for Mac Solutions Center
Tons of great information from Microsoft Support. Browse it and put a
link in your favorties.

Actuall, all of Mactopia is a great resource, but if I'm going to go
looking for something I'm not sure about, I usually find it linked
from this page.

Of course, I'm just scratching the surface of what's out
there. What's your favorite Mac Office resource? Let's keep a
list. Have a great week!