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Trouble signing in with Messenger for Mac 6.0?

Ah, weekends. Time off, down time from thinking about bugs.  Well, not if you’re Rebecca, one of our star Messenger testers. 

Starting on Friday night, September 29, Rebecca was casually checking out the Messenger Newsgroup.  (Hopefully this was after dinner and the kids were off to bed.) She’s seen posts from a few customers who upgraded to Messenger 6.0 and were having log-in problems. So she decided to check in with the newsgroup and see what was up.

Now, most of the time this happens, it’s a temporary issue on the server side, like too much traffic, and it sorts itself out quickly. Not this time. Rebecca checked the newsgroup again on Saturday and more and more people were seeing the same problem.

By the time I got to my desk Monday morning, Rebecca had worked individually with dozens of customers and had identified the problem. A fix was in the works that both the server team and our team thought would fix the issues. And we were fast tracking to release it. 

Thanks to Rebecca’s weekend work, the test and dev team’s hard work during this past week, and the help of some of the newsgroup posters who helped us test out the patch, today we’ve posted Messenger for Mac 6.0.1. For any of you who were seeing log in problems, please download the update here and enjoy the new features in Messenger.

A big THANKS to all of the newsgroup participants who worked with Rebecca over the weekend and throughout last week, and who helped us test the patch!