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Under The Hood - Matt Pietrek

More on SoftIce, from one of its parents

Frank Grossman, one of the original authors of SoftIce and owners of NuMega sent this around to some...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 04/11/2006

x64 Article is available online now

In a nice twist, I recently learned that my x64 article for MSDN magazine is online now. In a...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 04/10/2006

R.I.P. SoftICE

A sad, sad day... As of April 3rd, 2006 the DriverStudio product family has retired. For customer...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 04/07/2006

My X64 Programming article for MSDN is finally out

You can see a pretty picture of what the MSDN cover looks like here:...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 04/06/2006

Now Officially Middle Aged

Among this weekend's highlights Missing dinner with my beloved because of a bomb threat Turning 40...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 01/30/2006

Why can't I detach the debugger from an app?

An interesting internal thread on debugging went by, and it was news to me, so figured I'd share. In...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 01/12/2006

Comcast 8Mbps cable service

So last night I endured the 15 minute phone conversation with a Comcast rep to sign up for "Game...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 01/11/2006

Fun with SpyAxe

Normally I don’t hit by viruses. I’m very good with Windows Update and keeping the anti-virus...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 01/03/2006

One reason why I haven't been writing books

Charles Petzold's latest post on books as long format tutorials vs. reference material hits the nail...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 12/14/2005

VS debugger running slowly? Check your breakpoints!

If you're finding that the VS debugging seems to get slower and slower (especially when you first...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 12/07/2005

Silence is Golden

Many (most?) of the Developer Division folks were given the last three days of this week off to rest...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 10/28/2005

PDC05 - Amazing C++ futures talk

Just went to Herb Sutter's talk on C++ futures. Really rocking stuff! Check out the slides for...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 09/16/2005

PDC05 - I finally meet Raymond Chen

Last night was the "Ask the experts" event. A huge buffet dinner for everyone, with several dozen...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 09/16/2005

PDC05 - Windows Workflow Framework

Cool new technology I wasn't aware of. Imagine drawing out your workflow (both machine and human...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 09/14/2005

PDC05 - Rico Rocks on performance

Attended the lunchtime presentation by Rico Mariani on writing faster managed code. The cool thing I...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 09/14/2005

PDC05 - Come keep me busy - Ask debugging & Profiling questions

Just finished the keynote, followed by a quick spin around the exhibition hall. I'm in the Tools...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 09/13/2005

PDC05 - Wireless hell - A solution?

Been going batty trying to get my notebook to work DNS-wise with the wireless networks at the PDC....

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 09/12/2005

PDC05 - Power's back

I had faint hopes for a few seconds of being one of the first to blog about the power failure that...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 09/12/2005

PDC05 - Arrival

The carpet in the "Tools and Languages" track lounge is unbelievably well padded. I think I could...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 09/12/2005

Finding me at the PDC

Just attended a meeting for all the PDC staff. Since the schedules and names are still up in the...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 09/08/2005

I'm going to the PDC!

I started my own personal campaign inside Microsoft to go to the PDC many months ago. It was close,...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 09/08/2005

Follow on to Raymond's post on Dr. Watson

Raymond's post on the history of Dr. Watson is right on the money. Some additional info, since I...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 08/10/2005

"Source Server" - The best "Hidden" feature in Whidbey Debugging

On the drive to work today, Chris Sells asked me what was new & cool with Whidbey debugging....

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 08/10/2005

A utility that rocks!

Somehow I've been under a rock, and just discovered this now:...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 08/03/2005

Galapagos photos

For all those asking for pictures from my honeymoon in the Galapagos, I've posted them here:...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 07/26/2005

Where am I, and what's this ring on my finger?

A few non-technical posts going forward. The reason: This is my first week back in the office after...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 07/20/2005

The Innovation Tax

(Yep... it has been a long time since my last post.) Last week I was out at dinner with Barb,...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 06/08/2005

Quite possibly the best stack trace ever

Awhile back I wrote about "Matt's Huge Irritating Banner", in which I filled up a status window with...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 05/05/2005

A reader's comments on my ETW post

(Reposting this, as my original post seems to have vanished.) Awhile back, I wrote on producing ETW...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 05/05/2005

These specs are harder to find on the web than I thought

Someone recently wrote me, asking for the old CodeView format. I told him that it was readily...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 04/14/2005

Help tracking down Win32 SxS manifest issues

Today I had my first experience with using manifest files for Win32 binaries. If you're only...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 04/12/2005

Diagnosing DBGHELP symbol loading

I've had a love/hate relationship with DBGHELP.DLL for a long time, as reader of my MSDN column well...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 04/12/2005

My new toy

I was at the company store yesterday, and noticed the new Microsoft Fingerprint Reader, which was...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 04/06/2005

ETW Tracing: How and Why?

Awhile ago, I wrote about examining the structure of ETW Events by look at the MOF data in CIM...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 03/23/2005

The Debugger Rules

I alluded to some debugger cardinal rules in a prior post. However, they may well be something that...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 02/23/2005

Why does the PDB format change every release?

In another post, Steve Loughran asks "Why does the PDB format change every release? What is wrong...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 02/05/2005

More Windows x64 fun

I'm really getting a kick out of playing with Windows on x64. Since my last post, I've successfully...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 02/04/2005

Visual Studio 2005 (Whidbey) and Programs Using DBGHELP

Yesterday I spent a long time tracking down a problem with PDB symbol access. I figured I could...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 02/04/2005

A kid in a Win64 Candy Store

Just today I finally got a 64 bit version of Windows (the x64 flavor) going on my 2nd development...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 02/01/2005

Letting the debugger pick a debugging mode - Be cautious

The "Auto" feature in the Visual Studio debugger guesses (based on the EXE used to launch the...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 01/20/2005

Getting useful stack traces at exception time

One problem with debugging exceptions from a JIT attached debugger is that the call stack usually...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 01/19/2005

Where, oh where are my bug fixes?

The Visual Studio and CLR teams are huge. If we were to all develop on the same code base...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 01/19/2005

The "Matt's Huge Irritating Banner" Story

By special request, another story from way, way back. In the early days of NuMega, our UI work was...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 01/19/2005

File Handle Hell

Raymond Chen has an interesting post about a program that tried to open a file, got back an error...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 01/18/2005

My inner music geek thinks this is way cool

Just saw this: https://www.umixitmusic.com/ Basically, it provides you with the isolated audio tracks...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 01/14/2005

Debugging data driven development - Doable?

In a discussion with some architects yesterday, I came upon the point that a new form of debugging...

Author: Matt Pietrek Date: 01/06/2005

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