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免費電子書下載: 「Location Intelligence for Windows Store apps」

Table of Contents

· Chapter 1: Getting Started

· Chapter 2: The Sensor and Location Platform

· Chapter 3: Bing Maps JavaScript API

· Chapter 4: Bing Maps Native API

· Chapter 5: Bing Maps REST Services

· Chapter 6: Bing Spatial Data Services

· Chapter 7: Working with Spatial Data

· Chapter 8: Drawing on the Map

· Chapter 9: Creating an Augmented Reality App

· Chapter 10: Creating a Templatable Compass Control

· Chapter 11: Cross Platform Development


下載點: https://rbrundritt.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/location_intelligence_for_windows_store_apps.pdf

本書範例程式碼: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Location-Intelligence-for-1c691d0e