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Did You Mean?

The Did You Mean? feature is used by the query engine to catch possible spelling errors and to provide suggestions for queries. The Did You Mean? feature builds suggestions by using three components:

  • Query log: Information tracked in the query log includes the query terms used, when the search results were returned for search queries, and the pages that were viewed from search results. This search usage data helps you understand how people are using search and what information they are seeking. You can use this data to help determine how to improve the search experience for users.

  • Dictionary lexicon: A dictionary of most-used lexicons provided at installation time.

  • Custom lexicon: A collection of the most frequently occurring words in the corpus, built at query time by the query engine from indexed information.

The Did You Mean? suggestions are available only for English, French, German, and Spanish.

The information above was taken from the whitepaper called "Plan for building multilingual solutions" available at https://technet2.microsoft.com/Office/en-us/library/87065c9d-d39d-479d-909b-02160ec6d7791033.mspx?mfr=true
