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Windows 8 Student Holiday App Challenge: Microsoft Gives You $$ If You Publish an App

Randy Guthrie – Microsoft Technical Evangelist

As the semester winds to a close, hopefully we all have a  little time to catch our breath and relax by writing a little code for ourselves.  Knowing that students now have a little more free time over the next few weeks, Microsoft has put together a promotion to encourage students to get a jump on building a Windows 8 app, and get some cash from Microsoft in the process. The Windows 8 Student Holiday App Challenge provides free software, in-depth instructional materials for students, and access to real-time support for building an app. Students who get even a simple app published to the store by January 20, 2013 will not only have learned some valuable skills and established real tech “street cred”, but will get a $100 gift card from Microsoft to help sweeten the deal.

The $100 gift card promotion is only open to students attending school in the United States, but the learning resources and tech support are available to anyone; student, faculty, or hobbyist.

The relevant links are:

Get Started: https://aka.ms/w8holidayapp

Build Your App: https://aka.ms/mswestgenapp

Publish Your App: https://bit.ly/XAoYqp

Official Terms and Conditions: https://sdrv.ms/YE5PoQ


Cheers and Happy Holidays!
