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Monad PDC talk rated #3 overall

PDC results are in and the Monad talk came in #3 based upon Presenter Effectiveness.  Anders Hijlsberg's talks on C# and LINQ got the #1 and #2 slots.  This is the second conference in row that Anders has edged out the Monad team for the #1 slot so this is becoming something of a friendly rivalry.  Before the show we teased him about "pulling a Tanya Harding" and having someone kneecap him before the PDC. Alas prudence prevailed.  [:)] 

And why wouldn't C# and LINQ be top-rated - they are awesome technologies!  The Monad team is really excited about these technologies.  These are really just taking Monad's approach on traditional Shell concepts (object pipelining and fuzzy typing) and making them available to Systems Programming languages.  You'll see more and more of this happening as the intent is to take some of Monad's classes and migrate them to the BCL (Base Command Library) in future releases.

From the very beginning we designed Monad with the idea that there should be an easy glide path from Monad to C#.  We think we do a pretty good job of that today because using Monad teaches you the .NET objects - the classes, the methods, and properties and our syntax is largely aligned with C#'s - though we are a Shell which requires certain differences.  Some of the Monad devs are actually prototyping portions of Monad in Monad before writing them in C#.  The only hitch in this story as been that the native way to think about things in Monad is a pipeline and no such concept existed for C#.  Well now it does so the transitions between Monad and C# will be even easier.

Jeffrey P. Snover
Monad Architect