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Espresso Fueled Agile Development

Comments on my work at patterns & practices, agile development, and caffeine sources.

Ade Miller has a new Blog

One of my fellow developers here at patterns & practices has moved his blog to a new location:...

Author: mpuleio Date: 09/26/2007

Unit testing is evolving

Jim Newkirk (of nUnit fame and one of the Microsoft folks behind www.CodePlex.com ) has been...

Author: mpuleio Date: 09/20/2007

The Contextual AutoComplete Guidance Bundle is Available on CodePlex

Yesterday, we quietly released the Contextual AutoComplete Bundle on CodePlex. It is available on...

Author: mpuleio Date: 09/19/2007

What has the Web Client Team been doing recently?

I have not been blogging much recently since I have been leading the Client team here at patterns...

Author: mpuleio Date: 09/19/2007

Acropolis and the future of CAB and SCSF

Now that Acropolis is finally public, and David Hill has talked about it, we at patterns &...

Author: mpuleio Date: 06/06/2007

CNN Series on the Future of the Office

A few weeks ago, a film crew from CNN International visited Microsoft to do a segment on how...

Author: mpuleio Date: 06/01/2007

Projects that the Community can participate in...

Glenn posted about two new projects on CodePlex: WCSFContrib SCSFContrib These two projects are...

Author: mpuleio Date: 05/29/2007

What should we build in WCSF vNext?

Glenn is opening up some discussion about what we should build in the next release of WCSF. We have...

Author: mpuleio Date: 05/25/2007

Smart Client Software Factory May 2007 Shipped!

We (finally) shipped the May 2007 version of SCSF. I should have posted earlier, but I needed a...

Author: mpuleio Date: 05/20/2007

Schedule Updates

Blaine has a great post on updates for the schedules for Smart Client Software Factory May 2007 and...

Author: mpuleio Date: 05/18/2007

Call for Feedback

There are two areas we are looking for feedback from the community, software factories and possible...

Author: mpuleio Date: 05/17/2007

WPF Support in the Smart Client Software Factory Explained

A few people have recently posted about the Smart Client Software Factory May 2007 Release. Glenn...

Author: mpuleio Date: 05/11/2007

Validation Application Block, meet WPF

Tom Hollander has a post about the Enterprise Library 3.0 being extended by the community. In this...

Author: mpuleio Date: 04/24/2007

Updates on WCSF and SCSF

It has been a hectic couple of weeks. What have we been up to in the Client team room? I just...

Author: mpuleio Date: 04/20/2007

Updates on the Web Client Software Factory

Blaine has two recent posts on the Web Client Software Factory: WCSF Workshop Available on CodePlex...

Author: mpuleio Date: 04/09/2007

Enterprise Library 3.0 Released

Tom Hollander has announced that Enterprise Library 3.0 is available. I know the team worked hard on...

Author: mpuleio Date: 04/09/2007

HowTo: Registering services through configuration

Julián Domínguez and Ezequiel Jadib have been helping with the Web Client Software Factory during...

Author: mpuleio Date: 04/04/2007

Using the Testable Object Pattern

Wow. Five posts on unit testing and/or EDD in a row... this has got to be a record. Brad has a great...

Author: mpuleio Date: 04/03/2007

Design as If Testing Matters

To continue with the string of unit testing and Example Driven Design posts, here is another one:...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/29/2007

Unit Testing Rules

One of the internal Microsoft discussion lists on unit testing and EDD (TDD) had a thread where a...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/28/2007

Unit Testing will be in Visual Studio Pro

It was publically announced today on Naysawn Naderi's blog that Unit Testing will be in the Pro SKU...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/27/2007

Creating a List of Examples (a.k.a. a Test List)

Brian has a great post on how to get an EDD (Example Driven Design) coding session started with a...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/27/2007

Web Application Project Guidance Package using Sub-Projects

Earlier today, I posted to the WCSF CodePlex Community Site a new code-only guidance package, Web...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/26/2007

CodePlex Source Control Client

The CodePlex team has announced the CodePlex Source Control Client on their blog today. There is a...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/26/2007

Using the WCSF with existing web site projects

Note: This is a parallel post to Using the WCSF with existing web application projects. It will...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/25/2007

What have we been doing with the Smart Client Software Factory Update?

Juan Arguello, one of the guys on the SCSF team, has been keeping track of what we have been working...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/22/2007

Announcing: Web Client Software Factory Webcast

Through a few, lucky quirks of fate, Blaine Wastell and I get to do an MSDN webcast about the Web...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/19/2007

Questions for the Smart Client Software Factory Community

Right now, as a lot of you know, the Client Program team and I are working on an update to the Smart...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/19/2007

Adopting the Web Client Software Factory in existing Web applications

Mariano has a post with a few great tips about Adopting the Web Client Software Factory in existing...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/16/2007

Using the WCSF with an existing Web Application Project

We have what I would call a great offering in the Web Client Software Factory. However, all of the...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/15/2007

Web Client Software Factory Fix for Add View with Presenter Recipe

The team was finally able to find a fix for this sporadic issue: occasionally the Add View with...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/13/2007

Blog Spam is taking a toll

When I started this blog, I ensured that folks could post comments in response to my thoughts and...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/10/2007

Send Instant Messages and Send Money to Charity

I'm usually not one for talking about socail issues and charity, even though I do take advantage of...

Author: mpuleio Date: 03/02/2007

Thoughts on Code Coverage

Jim Newkirk and Brad Wilson have an interesting blog post on code coverage and what it means. They...

Author: mpuleio Date: 02/26/2007

Just Released: The First Weekly Drop of the Smart Client Software Factory

I just posted to the SCSF CodePlex community site the SCSF Update Weekly Drop 1. In this drop, you...

Author: mpuleio Date: 02/23/2007

Undocumented WCSF Feature: Global Exception Handling

There has been some traffic on the Web Client Software Factory discussion boards recently about...

Author: mpuleio Date: 02/21/2007

Just Posted: Plan for Smart Client Software Factory April Update

Blaine Wastell, a Program Manager here at p&p, has started his own blog on MSDN. Blaine and I...

Author: mpuleio Date: 02/20/2007

Announcement: Web Client Software Factory Workshop

Eugenio has published an announcement about the upcoming Workshop for the Web Client Software...

Author: mpuleio Date: 02/19/2007

Using ASP.NET AJAX with the Web Client Software Factory

It looks like David Hayden has beat me to a blog post on how to AJAX enable a WCSF project. Thanks...

Author: mpuleio Date: 02/19/2007

Web Client Software Factory now has Web Application Project Support

Due to high demand, we have released code for Web Application Project support on our CodePlex...

Author: mpuleio Date: 02/14/2007

WCSF Feature Highlight: Solution Preview

One of the things we did as we were working on the Web Client Software Factory was try to make...

Author: mpuleio Date: 02/09/2007

Just Posted: Web Client Software Factory NUnit support.

Due to popular demand, I just posted to the Web Client Software Factory community site a wiki page...

Author: mpuleio Date: 02/01/2007

Why does the Web Client Software Factory MSI install a second MSI?

The installer (MSI) for the Web Client Software Factory does quite a lot. It will install the Help...

Author: mpuleio Date: 02/01/2007

A Channel9 video about patterns & practices

Just over a week ago, Ed (one of our Architects) did not show up for a chat I had scheduled to...

Author: mpuleio Date: 01/27/2007

How are unit tests different from acceptance tests?

There was a question on one of the internal aliases today about the difference between unit tests...

Author: mpuleio Date: 01/27/2007

Code Snippets for PageFlow now available.

I finally uploaded to our CodePlex site some work that the team has done on the Web Client Software...

Author: mpuleio Date: 01/24/2007

How To: Add a Service attribute to the Web Client Software Factory

I've been offline for a few days. I get back, and Mariano has been at it again, writing more How To...

Author: mpuleio Date: 01/23/2007

Other recent patterns & practices releases

The rest of the p&p team has been just as busy as my team, creating guidance, helpful tools, and...

Author: mpuleio Date: 01/20/2007

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