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A Freaky Microsoft Dynamics CRM Blog

Live and direct from California!

AVAILABLE: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 RTM VPC

We have released Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 back in December 2007 and did not immediately provide...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/04/2008

AVAILABLE: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Demonstration Tools

We heard your feedback loud and clear, besides a VPC with software we needed to provide you with...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/04/2008

MUI Provisioning failed - Workaround

I got a couple of people leaving comments regarding an error they where encountering while applying...

Author: mennotk Date: 02/02/2008

Puhutteko te suomea ja CRM:ta?

Not sure if the title is correct Finnish, but I did my best to find an online English to Finnish...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/25/2008

Training: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 courseware

If you're a partner you can access PartnerSource, if you're a customer you can access CustomerSource...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/24/2008

Training: Demo2Win reminder

You probably seen my previous post talking about Demo2Win. With this post, I want to remind...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/24/2008

Webcast: CRM Knows where you are part deux!

Remember my post that linked to the article talking about OCS integration a little while ago? Based...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/23/2008

Article: Bill Gates talking about Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0

Just saw an email from my buddy Umang in the East. Interesting article where you can read how Bill...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/23/2008

Microsoft Convergence 2008 - Orlando

Yes, it is that time of the year! I went thru my blog posts and I noticed that I typically blog...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/23/2008

Taler du Dansk og CRM?

Ok, this one took me a little longer as my Danish is not up to sniff! (Thanks Nicolai!) But as of a...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/23/2008

Add-ons: Filtered Lookup for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0

Just bumped into Stunnware's (Michael Hohne) web site and saw he released his initial version of the...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/22/2008

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Books

Well if I have the believe Steve Jobs, nobody is reading anymore and I should not type this post!...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/22/2008

Citrix: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0

I know a lot of you have been waiting for this announcement. Today is the day and I am happy to tell...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/21/2008

Microsoft Dynamics Add-ons

I just got spammed with an email announcing a new web site with a searchable catalog of Microsoft...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/18/2008

Available: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Sample Data

As of two days ago, you now can download Sample Data for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0. You can use...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/17/2008

Spreekt U Nederlands en CRM?

Today we released the Dutch language for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0. Please read this post to find...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/14/2008

Start your Dynamics Relationship today!

I have heard it so many times, we have a ton of web sites and resources but what sometimes is...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/12/2008

Available: Dutch Language Pack for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0

All my Dutch readers can be happy today, the Dutch Language Pack for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 is...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/11/2008

Vous parlez le français et le CRM?

Today we released the French language for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0. Please read this post to find...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/09/2008

Available: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Language Packs

As you might have noticed, we have released localized versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 in...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/09/2008

Usted habla español and CRM?

Today we released the Spanish language for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0. Please read this post to find...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/07/2008

Training: Demo2Win Workshop for Microsoft Dynamics Partners

It doesn't matter if you're either in Pre-Sales, Sales, are beginner or a veteran this is training...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/06/2008

Webcast: Creating a High-performance Sales Team with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0

Every organization wants to have a sales team that is able to find, keep and grow customer...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/04/2008

Available: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 SDK

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 SDK is now ready for download. The live MSDN version will be posted...

Author: mennotk Date: 01/04/2008

Webcast: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Multi-Currency

You hear everybody and their brother talk about all of our new features and often they do sound...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/27/2007

User Adoption Is Industry's Biggest Problem?

Interesting article where you can read Brad Wilson talk about Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 and its new...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/27/2007

CRM knows where you are!

Nice interview with Brad Wilson https://www.crmbuyer.com/rsstory/60864.html

Author: mennotk Date: 12/21/2007

You speak German and CRM?

I am Multi Lingual and that's why I always try to post updates about stuff we release in different...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/21/2007

SPLA and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0

You're a SPLA partner and you want to know how to install and configure v4.0 right? I know a few of...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/21/2007

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 IG

Now that you have downloaded the BITS of v4.0 you are wondering how to install it right? To help you...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/20/2007

My second year bloggin'

It has already been my second year bloggin' about Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Let me tell you, time...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/19/2007

I Like Smileys!

What can I say other than that I like Smiley's...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/19/2007

AVAILABLE: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 RTM BITS

As I told you in my previous post, it will just take a couple of days to get the bits ready on sites...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/19/2007

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 hits RTM!

I was supposed not to blog about this, but now that Mary Jo Foley, Ben Vollmer and Michael Lu...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/16/2007

Available: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Pricing and Licensing Overview

I know you have been waiting for this information! Log in to ParterSource and download the pricing...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/05/2007

CRM 4.0 Workflow with Praveen Upadhyay

Yet another webcast about Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0. In this episode Praveen Upadhyay, Program...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/04/2007

CRM 4.0 Reporting with Barry Givens and Phil Richardson

Maybe you've seen this on other blogs, but I liked it too much not to blog about it. A cool webcast...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/03/2007

Microsoft CRM That Works

If you work in a law firm and are looking for a CRM solution that works the way you do, you might...

Author: mennotk Date: 12/02/2007

Help: Don't eat me!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody and for all the turkeys out there, you won't get eaten if you use...

Author: mennotk Date: 11/22/2007

Transforming David...

A few day's back I had a blog post about David transforming into Optimus Prime if he would receive...

Author: mennotk Date: 11/19/2007

CRM 4.0 Deep Dive with Phil Richardson

Lately I believe Phil has more ambitions than only being a CRM guru! I think we will see him in...

Author: mennotk Date: 11/17/2007

ENJOY: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 RC0 VPC

You can stop emailing me asking about when and if the the RC0 VPC will be available. On November...

Author: mennotk Date: 11/17/2007

If you're an Aussie and you want to see Optimus Prime...

If you're an Aussie (or not) and you want to see Optimus Prime at the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4...

Author: mennotk Date: 11/15/2007

CRM 4.0 Overview with Phil Richardson

I was going through my usual 100's of RSS feeds and my eye got caught by Ben Riga's post. Ben...

Author: mennotk Date: 11/15/2007

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0: Virtual PC Image (RC0 Release)

For all the partners that do want to play with our RC0 release but have no access to the Connect web...

Author: mennotk Date: 11/12/2007

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 RC0

Our Release Candidate (RC) is now available for download at the Showcase Connect site. If you are a...

Author: mennotk Date: 11/12/2007

A glass and a half of joy!

This is so off-topic, but what do you get when you combine a gorilla and one of the best Phil...

Author: mennotk Date: 11/08/2007
