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Using C++ AMP for modeling and risk analysis

We are happy to announce that a new case study featuring how C++ AMP helps to solve optimization problem has been published. Frontline Systems Inc, is a company that focuses on producing optimization, simulation and data mining software to solve business and engineering problems. They took advantage of C++ Accelerated Massive Parallelism technology in Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 to enable its products to use GPU processing capabilities. The new optimization algorithms greatly expand the range of problems that its customers can successfully analyze using only Excel spreadsheets and standard personal computers.

Evolutionary solver is another excellent example where C++ AMP was able to provide a significant advantage to our customers. To quote Daniel Fylstra, President, Frontline System "On some Excel models we use to test Frontline Evolutionary Solver we've seen more than a 10 times speed improvement using C++ AMP technology". Please read fascinating story at Microsoft Case Studies Site. The case study is titled Software Developer Unlocks GPU Performance to Solve Optimization.