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Troubleshooting the error “Database too large, not copying. Access properties skipped” when scanning Access databases using OMPM for Office 2010

We've seen several recent reports of customers hitting the following errors when using OMPM to scan Access databases:

  • Database too large, not copying. Access properties skipped.
  • Not logging Access properties for database.

One of our Microsoft consultants, Sebastien Roche, discovered a workaround to fix this issue:

Modify the OMPM configuration file (offscan.ini) as follows:

Set MaxCopyFileSize=300            ;or a size larger than your largest database

If you set this parameter large enough, you may still receive a "timeout error." In that case, you have to modify the values of the parameters RetryCount & RetryInterval as follows:


RetryCount=15                ;set this to the number of retries per file you would like before moving on

RetryInterval=1500        ;set this to the number of milliseconds to wait between retries.

The downside to this workaround is that OMPM scan performance is slow.