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Creating a Custom Report View Plug-in for PerformancePoint Server 2007 ~ Code Sample

Eric Friedrichsen  (ericfr@microsoft.com)

Microsoft Corporation

August 2007

Applies to:
Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007
Summary: It is possible to create your own custom Report View plug-ins for Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007. This is documented in the PerformancePoint Server SDK; see the PerformancePoint Developer Portal Page at:  https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/office/bb660518


It is possible to create your own custom Report View plug-ins for Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007. This is interesting if you want to create your own custom Report Views that display along with other dashboard items in a PerformancePoint Server dashboard. This is even more interesting if you want your custom Report Views to be able to receive (and react to) client side (browser side) parameters from other dashboard items on the same dashboard.

Instructions for Use

1. Extract the code sample from this article.

2. Build the code and install the assemblies as described in the two ReadMe files in the code sample.

3. Using the Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server Dashboard Designer, create some reports using the "My Report View" template.

4. Using the Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server Dashboard Designer, modify your "My Report View" reports.

5. Using the Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server Dashboard Designer, create some dashboards that use your new "My Report View" reports, and then deploy those dashboards either to SharePoint or to ASP.NET.

6. Browse to your new dashboard on the web. Notice that it is possible for your new "My Report View" reports to listen to parameters sent from other dashboard items in the dashboard, react to them, and change their appearance as a result.

7. Now that you've built this sample from code and deployed it, use it as a model to create your own custom Report View Plug-ins.


You can use the code sample a model to create your own custom Report View plug-ins for Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007. There is more documentation on this in the PerformancePoint Server SDK; see the PerformancePoint Developer Portal Page at:  https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/office/bb660518 .
