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Anybody want a peanut?

I wrote a message much like the below yesterday and I kept cracking up once I had started.  And nobody around me had the relevant context to understand why I thought it was so funny.  I’ve removed all the specifics and left the core.  I know some of you will get it :)

We have three branches, C pushes to B, and B pushes to A.  B only accumulates changes from C, nothing else happens in B.  We have a performance regression observed in all the branches and we’re wondering where it came from.  Who to blame? Should be easy right? 

Branch C was good on the 15th and bad on the 25th.  It pulled no payload from B during that time so clearly I cannot choose B.

Branch B was good on the 16th and bad on the 24th, but C did not push to B during that time so clearly I cannot choose C.

Branch A was good on the 16th and bad on the 23rd but the 16th already had the most recent push from B, so I cannot choose B.

The main version number comes from A and it didn’t change when B went bad so clearly I cannot choose A.

Have you made your decision?

Not remotely :)