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Microsoft Online Company Portal - SharePoint Sites Directory

Microsoft Online Company Portal  The Microsoft Online Company Portal provides Information Workers and Admins/IT Gens with a listing all available Online Hosted Services and documentation on how to use these Services.  In particular to the Company Portal is the SharePoint Online Directory Listing, which displays all Company Intranet SharePoint Sites.  

Note:   This SharePoint Site Directory List currently (Milestone 2) displays ALL SharePoints regardless of whether a browsing individual has access to the sites.  

 Microsoft Online Company Portal

When a user attempts to access a SharePoint Online Website, if they do not have access to the site, they will be redirected to the SharePoint Online Request Access webpage, which provides the user with the ability to request access from the Site Collection Owner:

SharePoint Online Request Access

The SharePoint Site Collection owner will receive an email with the request, allowing the Site Owner to easily grant the individual SharePoint Site Access:

SharePoint Request Access