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Day4: 2nd CRM Incubation Week

Directly from 2nd CRM Incubation Week in Boston, MA..

Things are getting under control. All teams are looking positive and working hard to win the awards. Today we had our 3rd Guest Speaker, Larry Gregory, Microsoft. Larry has extensive experience in Startup ecosystem and he shared Directions and Resources for Startups. He answered many questions and kept audience engaged.

Don Dodge, from our Emerging Business Team (EBT), volunteered to assist each startup team in doing a dry-run on their pitch to Judging Panel. He provided very valuable coaching to each team. Now teams are busy polishing their presentation.


Tonight we all went out for dinner at Margarita’s restaurant. Very good selection Jennifer!



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Sanjay Jain

ISV Architect Evangelist

Microsoft Corporation

B: https://blogs.msdn.com/SanjayJain

T: https://twitter.com/SanjayJain369