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Microsoft Platform Ready (MPR) for CRM


MPR for CRM, is a single-stop landing page for your team to learn, explore, develop and market your Line-Of-Business Applications leveraging xRM Framework of Dynamics CRM 2011. Here are the quick steps to get you started:

  • Sign-In:
    • Sign-In with your Windows LiveID
  • Tell us about Yourself:
    • Provide brief details about you and your company
    • Click Save & Submit
  • My MPR:
    • Add an Application
      • Click Add an Application
      • Provide brief Application Details
      • Pick MPR Technologies
      • Click Save & Submit
  • Check out the following sections
    • Develop
      • All relevant readiness resources including links to download software, training videos, White Papers, Support
    • Test
      • Learn about Self Testing Tool
      • Test My Apps:
        • Download the MPR Test Tool
        • Plan to upload your test results here
      • View My Reports
      • Verify
        • You need to verify compatibility with CRM 2011 to get Marketing Benefits
    • Market
      • Check out the Marketing Benefits, including $400 CfMD Vouchers for first 100 Apps

Enjoy and hurry to be one of the first 100 Early Adopters!

Sanjay Jain

ISV Architect Evangelist

Microsoft Corporation

Blog: https://Blogs.msdn.com/SanjayJain

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SanjayJain369