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How to Fix the OpenId Access Denied When User Won’t Grant Rights at Login

Okay, so the title may not be the clearest thing ever here today, but it’s tough to do in just a few words, so let me explain the scenario a little more fully.  Suppose you create an ASP.NET application and you configure it to be secured by Azure Active Directory.  When you do that you have to configure your right to request Azure AD permissions to sign-on and read the user’s profile.  This is the minimum right needed to have someone use Azure AD to login to your application, so naturally everyone will agree to this, right??  :-)

Well, as you can probably guess from this post, not always.  So what happens when a user sees that consent page from Azure AD at login time and then decides no, I don’t want to let you sign me in, so they hit cancel?  Well the out of the box behavior is that you get an unhandled exception in your ASP.NET application.  This of course brings up the awesome yellow screen of indecipherable death.  If you’re running it locally you can at least see the error message, which looks something like this: