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SQL Server Forum Support Team

We are a support force in Microsoft SQL Server forums, striving to help individuals, developers and customers address their technical pains on SQL Server.

SQL Server Community FAQs eBook download

Our SQL Server Forum Support Team authored, collected and consolidated those common asked questions...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 06/09/2011

Walkthrough: Integrating your SQL Server Reporting Services report into Windows 7 Sidebar Gadget

By default, after installing Window7 operation, there are many powerful and handy little tools in...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 05/26/2011

Walkthrough: Implement Optional Cascading Parameters with "" in Reporting Services

By default, if we create cascading Parameters, Reporting Service will force us to select one value...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 05/26/2011

FAQ: How do I send SOAP message to MDS web services to create EntityMembers with attributes other than Name and Code?

In Microsoft SQL Server Master Data Services (MDS), we can call the MDS web services, and the method...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 05/03/2011

Walkthrough: Update members in SQL Server Master Data Service using MDS API

Generally, we can use the EntityMembersUpdate method from MDS web services to update members in MDS....

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 05/03/2011

Walkthrough: How to list models from SQL Server Master Data Services in a SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) report

SQL Server Master Data Services (MDS) is a new feature in SQL Server 2008 R2. It is the source of...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 05/03/2011

Walkthrough: Control Dataset Query Dynamically based on SSRS Report Parameters

Generally, using a parameterized query can filter data for a report dataset at the source. When...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 05/03/2011

Walkthrough: How to change XML data for embedded XML document in a SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) report

In Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), you can use XML data source type to connect to...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/27/2011

Walkthrough: How to get distinct values of a column of a SharePoint list using SQL Server Reporting Services

You can connect to a Windows SharePoint Services Lists Web Services, and use GetListItems method...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/27/2011

Walkthrough: Assign Dataset Dynamically Created in Code to your local report with ReportViewer

The Walkthrough: Creating a ReportViewer Report shows how to create a simple table report in a...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/27/2011

Forum FAQ: Why do I get ‘Rule “Existing clustered or clustered-prepared instance” failed’ error while adding new features to an existing instance of SQL Server Failover Cluster?

Question After SQL Server 2008 or 2008 R2 cluster setup, you may want to add new features that were...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/19/2011

Forum FAQ: How do I resolve ‘SQL Server Setup cannot valid the service accounts’ error message during the setup?

Question Sometimes, we get ‘SQL Server Setup cannot validate the service accounts’ in...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/19/2011

Forum FAQ: How do I apply a service pack for an instance of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition or SQL Server 2008 Express Edition?

Question In the SQL Server community, a typical question often raised is that how I shall apply a...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/19/2011

Forum FAQ: Could SQL Server 2008 Express edition and SQL Server 2008 R2 Express edition be installed side by side with SQL Server 2005 Express?

Question Could SQL Server 2008 Express edition and SQL Server 2008 R2 Express edition be installed...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/19/2011

Forum FAQ: How do I use the OLE Automation Stored Procedures to monitor the disk space?

Questions: How do I use the OLE Automation Stored Procedures to monitor the disk space? For example,...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/19/2011

Forum FAQ: Why do I get a ‘Arithmetic overflow’ error when assigning ‘1234’ to a decimal(5,2) variable?

Summary In SQL Server, I want to assign a string value ‘1234’ to a decimal(5,2) variable...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/19/2011

Forum FAQ: How do I use parameters in an SSIS ADO NET source?

Question When I use SQL Command Text, there is a Parameters button in OLE DB Source. But now I want...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/10/2011

Forum FAQ: Why do I get a 'conversion failed' error when using the CASE expression?

Question In SQL Server, I use a CASE expression to return different values base on a...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/10/2011

Question I want to get a total of certain group within a group footer of the Tablix, which has...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/10/2011

Forum FAQ: How do I impersonate another user to test the MDX query in SSMS?

Question There is a button "Change User" in Cube Browser, we can impersonate other user in "Security...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/10/2011

Forum FAQ: How do I force the [All] member to return the total of members?

Question When I query cube in my Cube Browser, suppose that the results are: Product MEASURES.A...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/10/2011

Forum FAQ: How do I configure Windows Firewall to allow remote connections using TCP/IP protocol for SQL Server?

Questions I could not connect to my SQL Server instance and I doubt that it is a Windows firewall...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 04/10/2011

FAQ: Why does the “Attempted to divide by zero” error still happen?

Symptom I have 2 decimal data fields (Field1 and Field2) in a dataset, and use the expression with...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/28/2011

FAQ: How do I solve the issue - The configuration file contains an element that is not valid?

Question In Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), you may encounter the error "The report...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/28/2011

FAQ: How do I pass a multi-value parameter within a URL?

Question According to the MSDN document Passing a Report Parameter Within an URL, I could pass a...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/28/2011

FAQ: How do I keep only one vertical scroll bar in local report?

Question I have a local report with a long height; The problem is that there are two vertical scroll...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/28/2011

FAQ: How do I Hide Export Options with Local Report?

Question I am using the ReportViewer control to show local reports in an ASPX page. The reports are...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/28/2011

FAQ: How do I get the same page number in web page and PDF?

Question I have set both Interactive Size and Page Size to 8.5 inch in width and 11 inch in height....

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/27/2011

FAQ: How do I refresh the layout information of a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package that is modified programmatically?

Question You design a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package using Business Intelligence...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/27/2011

FAQ: How do I Implement Conditional Security setting for Drill-Through Actions?

Question I created several Drillthrough Actions in my cube. The build-in function for Drillthrough...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/27/2011

FAQ: How do I retrieve varchar(max)/nvarchar(max) OUTPUT parameters from a SQL Server stored procedure with SQL Server Driver for PHP?

Question I want to retrieve a large character-based output parameter with varchar(max)/nvarchar(max)...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/27/2011

FAQ: How do I retrieve a short length varchar/nvarchar OUTPUT parameter from a SQL Server stored procedure with SQL Server Driver for PHP?

Question My stored procedure has a varchar(100)/nvarchar(100) output parameter, however it seems...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/27/2011

FAQ: How do I read an image data and save it into a file with SQL Server Driver for PHP?

Question I want to read image data from SQL Server with SQL Server Driver for PHP 2.0, and then save...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/27/2011

FAQ: How do I import the XML file with the Cyrillic alphabets into a table using SQL XML 4.0?

Questions: I am trying to import the XML data into a database table in SQL Server 2008 using SQL...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/27/2011

FAQ: How can I specify the precision and scale values of the decimal/numeric return value when deploying a CLR function in Visual Studio?

Question I have a CLR function with a decimal(18,2) return value. However, I find that the return...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/27/2011

FAQ: How do I connect to a 32-bit SQL Server instance with ODBC in my 64-bit Windows OS?

Question I want to connect to a 32-bit SQL Server using ODBC. And I use ODBC Data Source...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/27/2011

Question I want to do a wildcard search using Full-Text Search. For example, I want to know the...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 02/27/2011

Walkthrough: Implement many-to-many currency conversion in an Analysis Services solution

For one-to-many currency conversion, you can download sample SSAS project to check how it works....

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 01/04/2011

Walkthrough: Restrict the users to see only their folders via Reporting Services web services

In reporting Services security management, we often want the users to see only their folders. If...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 01/03/2011

Walkthrough: Request a Digital Certificate from Certificate Server or create a testing Digital Certificate to sign a Package

This topic describes how to request a digital certificate from a certificiate server(CA), or create...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 01/02/2011

Walkthrough: Add a Subreport in local report in ReportViewer

You could display a Subreport in Server report easily; however, you will get error message: Sub...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 01/02/2011

Walkthrough: Working ReportViewer with a complex Business Object with a nested generic list type property as data source for local reports

The MSDN document https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms251784(v=VS.100).aspx shows a good demo...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 01/02/2011

FAQ: How do I implement OR logic or complicated logics for filters in a SSRS report?

Question When using filters in a report, you will find the limitation of the condition "and/or" in...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 12/21/2010

FAQ: HOW do I work Parameters with a local report?

Question I want to display parameter prompts for my local report in reportviewer control, however it...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 12/21/2010

FAQ: How do I pass a multi-value parameter into a report with SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) Web Services API?

Question How do I pass a multi-value parameter into a report with Reporting Services Web service...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 12/21/2010

FAQ: How do I pass a multi-value parameter to a dataset while using LIKE operator in the WHERE clause?

Question In my report, there is a single-selected parameter called rptParameter and it is used in my...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 12/21/2010

FAQ: How do I preview a Subreport which is in another SSRS project?

Question Saying in Design mode, I have one report in a SSRS project and I would like to display...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 12/21/2010

FAQ: Why cannot 64-bit MSDASQL access a .csv text file?

Summary I have installed 64-bit MSDASQL on my Windows Server 2003,...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 12/20/2010

FAQ: How do I run SQL Server service under a managed service account (MSA)?

Question I want to run SQL Server service under a managed service account (MSA). How can I do it?...

Author: SQL Server Forum Support Team Date: 12/20/2010
