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Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP v1.0 has released

It is my pleasure to announce that version 1.0 of the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP has released! This release marks another step in Microsoft’s continued commitment to interoperability. To keep up with our announcements and customer feedback, please check out our team blog.

The SQL Server Driver for PHP team would like to thank everyone who has provided feedback and bug reports throughout the development cycle for the driver. We've come a long way since the initial CTP in October of 2007 thanks to your feedback.

Where do I get the bits?

The driver is available for download on the MSDN download site. We encourage you to download the driver and explore the sample application described in the .chm file. If you'd prefer to access our documentation on-line, it's available on the MSDN site. We welcome your feedback, feature requests and bug reports on our MSDN Forum.

What about the source?

Microsoft has published the source code to the driver on the CodePlex site. There, you can download the source code and provide feedback in the form of bug reports and feature requests.

We understand that many developers will download the source code from CodePlex to create their own build(s) of the driver. However, Microsoft supports only the signed version of the driver from the MSDN download site. If you're using a custom built version of the driver and encounter problems, please reproduce the problem with the Microsoft-built driver before contacting Microsoft support.

How will Microsoft respond to feedback and update the driver?

We will be responsive to feedback on the CodePlex, MSDN Forum and through our blog, weighing in on both feature requests and bug reports. We currently plan to update the driver available on the MSDN download site approximately once every three months. When we update the driver on the MSDN download site, we will also push the corresponding changes to the source code up to the CodePlex site.

With each successive update, we will revisit this plan. We've seen too many projects over-reach in their plans to be responsive to the community. We would prefer to start with a more conservative approach and make sure we're successfully delivering on that before expanding.

David Sceppa

Program Manager, Microsoft SQL Server Driver for PHP