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Released: Public Preview for SQL Server vNext Management Pack (CTP2)

We are happy to announce SQL Server vNext Management Pack CTP2 bits with new features are ready. Please install and use this public preview and send us your feedback (sqlmpsfeedback@microsoft.com)!

Please download the public preview bits at:

Microsoft System Center Management Pack (Community Technical Preview 2) for SQL Server vNext

Please note that CTP1 bits are not upgradable to CTP2. If you previously installed CTP1, you need to uninstall it before installing this release.

Here is a table that gives a high level overview of which features are available:

Feature/Workflow CTP1 ( CTP2 (
Core objects
DB Engine Discovery W/L W/L
Local DB Engine Discovery (windows only feature) - W
SQL Cluster instances W W
DB Discovery W/L W/L
DB Filegroup Discovery W/L W/L
DB File Discovery W/L W/L
DB Log file Discovery W/L W/L
DB Policy Discovery - W/L
Filestream Filegroup Discovery - W
Memory-Optimized Data Filegroup Discovery - W/L
Memory-Optimized Data Filegroup Containers Discovery - W/L
DB Engine Resource pool Discovery - -
SQL Agent Discovery - -
Agentless Monitoring W/L W/L
Mixed monitoring (windows only feature) W W
Agent Monitoring (windows only feature) W W
SQL Credentials W/L W/L
AD Credentials W W
In-memory OLTP support - W/L
SQL Server Express support W W
MSSQL LogReader module - W/L
Support long names (windows only feature) W W
Wizard multithreading - W/L
Tasks Execution - -
Monitoring Scenarios
DB Engine Health Status Monitoring W/L W/L
DB Engine Performance Monitoring W/L W/L
DB Engine Service Pack Compliance Monitoring - W/L
DB Configuration Monitoring W/L W/L
DB Memory-Optimized Data Filegroup Performance Monitoring - W
CPU Monitoring and performance metrics - W
Log Shipping monitoring - W
WMI Health Monitoring - W/NA
Event Base monitoring (400+ Alert rules) - W/L
DB Space Monitoring and performance metrics collection W W
DB Space Monitoring and performance metrics collection for Filestream objects - W
DB Space Monitoring and performance metrics collection for Hekaton objects - W
SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher Service Monitoring - W
SQL Agent Monitoring - -



W - Supported on Windows

L - Supported on Linux

W/L - Supported on Windows and Linux

W/NA - Supported on Windows but no applicable to Linux

New Features and Fixes in CTP2

  • Implemented “Discovery Data Mapper”; improved queries and datasources
  • Implemented support for full cookdown for all discoveries on Linux and Windows
  • Implemented Log Shipping monitoring
  • Implemented new monitors and rules:
    •  “Service Pack Compliance” monitor
    • “SQL Server Windows Service” monitor
    • “CPU Utilization (%)” monitor
    • “SQL Server Service (database)” monitor
    • “Database Health Policy (Critical)” monitor
    • “Database Health Policy (Warning)” monitor
    • “WMI Health” monitor
    • “Memory Used By Tables (MB) rule
    • “Memory Used By Indexes (MB)” rule
    • “MSSQL vNext on Windows: DB Engine CPU Utilization (%)” rule
    • “SQL Server vNext DB Engine is restarted” rule
  • Implemented new DB Space performance rules:

    • MSSQL vNext: DB Allocated Space Unused (MB)
    • MSSQL vNext: DB Free Space Total (%)
    • MSSQL vNext: DB Free Outer Space (MB)
    • MSSQL vNext: DB Transaction Log
    • Free Space Total (%)
    • MSSQL vNext: DB Free Space Total (MB)
    • MSSQL vNext: DB Allocated Space Used (MB)
    • MSSQL vNext: DB Allocated Space (MB)
  • Implemented new classes:
    • SQL Server vNext DB FILESTREAM Filegroup on <Platform>
    • SQL Server vNext DB Memory-Optimized Data Container on <Platform>
    • Generic SQL Server vNext Custom User Policy
    • SQL Server vNext Custom User Policy on <Platform>
    • SQL Server vNext Database Critical Policy on <Platform>
    • SQL Server vNext Database Warning Policy on <Platform>
    • SQL Server vNext Resource Pool Group on <Platform>
    • Generic SQL Server vNext Resource Pool
    • SQL Server vNext Resource Pool on <Platform>
    • SQL Server vNext Internal Resource Pool on <Platform>
    • SQL Server vNext User Resource Pool on <Platform>
    • SQL Server vNext User-Defined Resource Pool on <Platform>
  • Implemented new monitor and rule for FILESTREAM objects:
    • MSSQL vNext on <Platform>: DB FILESTREAM Filegroup Free Space Total (MB)
    • MSSQL vNext on <Platform>: DB FILESTREAM Filegroup Free Space Total (%)
  • Implemented new performance rules for Memory-Optimized Data filegroups:
    • MSSQL vNext on Windows: DB Memory-Optimized Data Filegroup Free Space Total (MB)
    • MSSQL vNext on Windows: DB Memory-Optimized Data Filegroup Free Space Total (%)
  • Implemented “MSSQL LogReader” module
  • Implemented Event Collection monitoring for Linux and Windows (more than 400 workflows)
  • Implemented discoveries, rollups and icons for the new classes; updated Filegroup and child classes’ icons
  • Implemented all XTP counters (more than 200 workflows)
  • Implemented “Empty Bucket percent” in the hash index monitor
  • Implemented “Average length of the row chains” in the hash buckets monitor
  • Implemented “SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher Service”; added “NetworkName” property to local dbengine; refactored Windows monitoring folder structure
  • Added “Local Database” class on Windows
  • Improved the architecture: split “Windows.DBEngine” and “Windows.LocalDBEngine” classes
  • Improved error logging
  • Improved the error-handling (connectivity issues)
  • Remounted “LocalDiscoverySeed” discovery to support long names and not support wow64
  • Updated Add Monitoring Wizard: fixed layouts issues, improved multithreading and performance, implemented background loading progress
  • Updated and fixed the Knowledge Base articles and display strings; unified the workflows naming template
  • Fixed alerts for classes managed by local agent
  • Fixed Smart Connect issues connected with cached data (WMI connection)
  • Fixed Linux modules to skip smart connect
  • Fixed issue: “Total Transactions Per Second” rule runs twice in one interval
  • Fixed issue: SQL Server vNext on Windows database objects may get rediscovered
  • Fixed issue: filegroups get undiscovered in SQL Express instance
  • Fixed issue: in some situations, Add Monitoring Wizard cannot detect that test connection task is completed
  • Fixed issue: the already discovered database objects are undiscovered if database state is changed to "Offline"

All the details regarding the new functionality can be found in the Operations Guide that can be downloaded along with the Management Pack. Full functionality will be available with SQL Server vNext GA. This CTP release only covers a subset of monitors and rules. We will work towards full functionality as we release new CTPs.

We are looking forward to hearing your feedback (sqlmpsfeedback@microsoft.com)!