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What's new in Mobile Reports in SQL Server 2016 SP1


In our last post around SQL Server 2016 SP1, we promised to do a post about some enhancements we've made to mobile reports in the latest release.  We’ll highlight two major items we’ve updated and also provide the full change list of updates and fixes for mobile reports that many of you have asked for to date.

Improved support for dates from MDX queries


One major item was improved recognition of dates from MDX queries without using the currently published workaround, which was required when using the MDX Query Designer in Report Builder.  This has been fixed in SQL Server 2016 SP1 when used in tandem with the latest release of Report Builder (or SQL Server Data Tools).  To try this new functionality out, create a simple MDX query using the Query Designer that includes a date field from your data model.  When you consume that shared dataset with Mobile Report Publisher, it will properly recognize the date field from your query without an additional calculated measure being required.


User-friendly field names

Another improvement is the ability to display field names from your datasets without underscores.  Previously, when a data field name contained a space, Mobile Report Publisher would add underscores automatically to the field in the data preview tab AND on your report canvas.  This wasn’t the best looking way to show field names to end users.


Now, when you add the same item to the report canvas, the system will remove the underscores automatically and display the name properly on the reports.


In addition to these changes, we’ve provided a full list of updates and bug fixes we’ve made for mobile reports in an Excel Workbook you can download and view.

Try it now and send us your feedback!