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The Magic of Software can improve the effectiveness of Jet Fighters

I recently watched a TV programme that covered a major airshow in the UK - Farnborough. There were many impressive displays including one by the new European "Typhoon" fighter. Shortly afterwards a rival manufacturer (Saab) demonstrated their aircraft which has been in service for several years - once again I enjoyed another fine display.

The thing that struck me was that the Saab test pilot (Magnus Olssen) commented that their aircraft remained competitive due to a significant upgrade - to the software.

Both aircraft performed incredible feats of nimble low speed high angle of attack handling. Both aircraft benefited from software that gave them "carefree handling" which enabled their pilots to concentrate on the mission rather than keeping their aircraft in the air.

As infrastructure and client software improves then we too should be able to spend less time tinkering and more time getting results from the information systems on which we rely.