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Quick Powershell Tutorial

Not a lot of help text but once you try these commands, you'd learn 90% of the commands most people need from powershell.

Powershell Lab

WMI Object
gwmi win32_service
gwmi -list
gwmi -list | sort-object
gwmi -list -computer switools-vm | sort-object

Quick Detour
gwmi -query "select * from win32_service where name like 'a%'"
gwmi win32_service | where-object {$_.name -like "a*"}
get-process | where-object {$_.name -like "b*"}
Get-EventLog System | Group-Object eventid | Sort-Object Count -descending
Get-EventLog System | Group-Object eventid | Sort-Object Count -descending<enter> | ConvertTo-html | out-file "c:\test\test.html"

Back to WMI
gwmi -list -namespace "root\virtualization" -computer switools-vm | sort-object
(gwmi -computer switools-vm -NameSpace "root\virtualization" -Class "MsVM_VirtualSystemManagementServiceSettingData") | get-member
(gwmi -computer switools-vm -NameSpace "root\virtualization" -Class "MsVM_VirtualSystemManagementServiceSettingData").DefaultVirtualHardDiskPath

Powershell Versus C#
   $ImgMgtSvc=Get-WmiObject -computerName $server -NameSpace  "root\virtualization" -Class "MsVM_ImageManagementService"
   $arguments = @($vhdPath,$parentDisk,$null)
   $result= $ImgMgtSvc.PSbase.InvokeMethod("CreateDifferencingVirtualHardDisk",$arguments)

   ConnectionOptions oConn = new ConnectionOptions();
   oConn.Username = "JohnDoe";
   oConn.Password = "JohnsPass";

            ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"\\" + server + @"\root\virtualization", oConn);
            ManagementObject imageService = Utility.GetServiceObject(scope, "Msvm_ImageManagementService");

            ManagementBaseObject inParams = imageService.GetMethodParameters("CreateDifferencingVirtualHardDisk");
            inParams["ParentPath"] = parentPath;
            inParams["Path"] = path;
            ManagementBaseObject outParams = imageService.InvokeMethod("CreateDifferencingVirtualHardDisk", inParams, null);

Functions and Filters
Function Add($x, $y)
$x + $y
add 5 4
Function FnFilter($name)
$input | where-object {$_.name -like "*$name*"}
get-process | FnFilter a
for fun: Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ -Recurse | FnFilter temp

notepad $profile

$cred = get-credential
$cred.password |convertfrom-securestring | set-content c:\temp.txt
$password = Get-Content c:\temp.txt | ConvertTo-SecureString
$credential = new-object system.management.automation.pscredential("redmond\mengli", $password)

[system.environment] | get-member -static
notepad++ mymathlib.cs
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\csc /target:library mymathlib.cs

namespace MyMathLib
  public class Methods
    public Methods()

    public static int Sum(int a, int b)
      return a + b;

    public int Product(int a, int b)
      return a * b;

[MyMathLib.Methods]::Sum(10, 2)
(new-object MyMathLib.Methods).product(10,2)

$comobj = new-object -comobject axfuzz.simple

Further Applications
TFS Library from the TFS Power Tools, ActiveDirectory